• A student is looking for help on tropical cyclone prediction. Please fill out the survey linked to this thread: https://stormtrack.org/threads/storm-and-hurricane-intensity-prediction-survey.32957
  • After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Twitter/X revised TOS causing a stir

The days of shooting umbrellas in the rain and having a profitable night chasing lightning are definitely over (those were the days, when I could sell video of frost in my front yard!). And the cell phone has flooded the market for most of the old-style ENG shoots. But the online self-published, ad-supported direct-to-viewer model has really taken off and is providing many with revenue that is in some cases higher than ENG's in its peak. The earning potential is very much still there, just in different forms.

A teenager with some good talent that puts together weather/tornado documentaries on Youtube is capable of reaching a full-time income in a couple of years, with audiences that can be as big, if not bigger, than the Discovery and Nat Geo specials we all used to work with up until the mid 2000s. A channel owner like this that reaches the seven-figure subscriber mark can become a millionaire off of it, and many have - most are just ripping off the footage under the mistaken belief that it's all Fair Use. Then there are the direct-reuploader pirates who we know are making enough to afford penthouses and supercars just off of weather video taken from people in our community. Those are just a couple of examples that show that some of the videos we shoot still have significant value. In some cases, it can have *more* value today than it did in the ENG era.

I would agree that getting into chasing for money is a fool's errand, akin to quitting a nice career expecting to become the next big superstar by auditioning for American Idol. Nonetheless, being a chaser means you’ll probably capture something really valuable multiple times. When that happens, my overarching theme in everything I post about this subject is this: if a business is profiting off of your video, you should get your share.
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A teenager with some good talent that puts together weather/tornado documentaries on Youtube is capable of reaching a full-time income in a couple of years, with audiences that can be as big, if not bigger, than the Discovery and Nat Geo specials we all used to work with up until the mid 2000s. A channel owner like this that reaches the seven-figure subscriber mark can become a millionaire off of it, and many have - most are just ripping off the footage under the mistaken belief that it's all Fair Use. Then there are the direct-reuploader pirates who we know are making enough to afford penthouses and supercars just off of weather video taken from people in our community. Those are just a couple of examples that show that some of the videos we shoot still have significant value. In some cases, it can have *more* value today than it did in the ENG era.

Has anyone actually done this with stolen chaser footage? Made those figures? I can find no examples, but I'd love to see a reference. The reason this happens is because the infringers get away with it. I don't expect YouTube to do anything, but there are ways now to pursue these offenders in non-Federal court processes and nuke them for $30k: (Copyright Claims Board)

Such abuses would not meet any convoluted "fair use" argument because they are being made for commercial profit.
I had a case against a channel like that last year (though in that instance it was not a teenager), a 6 million-subscriber channel. But there are many new channels popping up like that that are doing very well in their initial numbers. Just search for tornado documentaries posted in the last year. Lots of them about the 2011 Super Outbreak, Joplin, El Reno, Greensburg and this year's major events.

Yes, once these channels get large enough, they are pursuable. What is apparent is that they start out believing (mistakenly) what they're doing is Fair Use, but once they do get large enough, they seem to work the cost of infringement cases into their business model. That is, it's cheaper to pay the occasional settlement than to license everything because most photographers *won't* go after the infringements. It appears that way because they continue using a lot of third-party footage with the "no copyright infringement intended" or "for copyright issues please contact us first" lines in the video description (as in the above example).
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The way to handle these people (according to my lawyer wife) is attack the abusers as a group. Just like civil cases against large corporations, they generally ignore the small guy, but start paying attention when multiple people organize into a group. If we could hit these jerks with multiple copyright complaints, they would need to spend a fortune to defend the claims.

But there is a problem. After working in the stock photography business for over 35 years, I've found it's very difficult to organize photographers and get them to do anything. Years ago, the Government proposed a devastating tax rule that would require photographers to track every single picture and treat them like inventory. The law never passed, but it was almost impossible to get photographers motivated to join-up and lobby Congress.
Daniel Shaw, Brandon Clement and others have been spearheading that very thing with some major success. I joined up with them last year, and it has yielded a lot of progress so far in what previously was an impossible and overwhelming battle for me. The depth and magnitude of the machine they've uncovered is staggering, and the money being made on chaser content by piracy and these types of channels is collectively well into the tens of millions and maybe higher. What's more, the involvement of organized crime and collusion of the platforms in all of this is right out of a Francis Ford Coppola film. Just crazy stuff that needs to be front-page news if it wasn't going to implicate some of those outlets themselves.

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Daniel Shaw, Brandon Clement and others have been spearheading that very thing with some major success. I joined up with them last year, and it has yielded a lot of progress so far in what previously was an impossible and overwhelming battle for me. The depth and magnitude of the machine they've uncovered is staggering, and the money being made on chaser content by piracy and these types of channels is collectively well into the tens of millions and maybe higher. What's more, the involvement of organized crime and collusion of the platforms in all of this is right out of a Francis Ford Coppola film. Just crazy stuff that needs to be front-page news if it wasn't going to implicate some of those outlets themselves.
Dan, please let me get this straight. Are you merely embellishing, or has "organized crime" actually infiltrated the "storm chaser video community. If true, I will certainly write some Dick Tracy Chicago style inspired "shadow weather mafia" themes and characters into the inbound live weather sketch comedy stage series project. I'm completely serious regarding this. That material is gold!

Also, please regale me about Brandon Clement and the shredded documents alongside Daniel Shaw and the laundered money. I want to know more about the elusive Norman, Oklahoma Secret Committee of 13, and what really does goes on behind the banquet hall curtains at the annual national Chaser Summit! 🤓



Artist, Geoscientist, Writer

newwaveweather.com (coming in 2025)
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...and the money being made on chaser content by piracy and these types of channels...
I've noticed these re-uploaders, re-users, and otherwise pirated material utilized in the manner you mention, and I do try to steer clear.
On the off-hand chance I bump into one of these videos, it seems that the quality of the copied material appears less than optimal. In other words, it loses something compared to the original, as expected. Bottom line, I've been very surprised at the blatant and brazen nature of it.
I just like to chase storms. There is inherent enjoyment in just that. If I make a little money, that's great, if not, so be it. I personally could care less if Twitter or whatever uses my images/video to train AI. It's not much different than an artist or a photographer scouring the internet for ideas or to learn. Twitter (I'm too old to change to calling it X) is not the only place where AI trains. I certainly won't grant permission for media to use my video for "credit." Pay me. As for direct copies of my video/images, I'll go after those that use them illegally. Twitter is still the most useful social media for real time updates during a storm situation. I just won't put non-watermarked quality video on the platform. Quick low quality clip or cell pic all watermarked...no problem.) I don't have the time or energy to add another social media time suck to my schedule. Stormtrack is awesome for archives, and leisurely thoughtful and focused discussion about all aspects of chasing. In the end, I just want to have a fun time chasing and share the cool stuff that I see.
All of this makes me wonder if personal homepages will make a comeback someday. Never say never.
It will and "is happening" as the old saying goes. Mom jeans are back, as are vinyl LP records (they never went away), cassettes and now compact discs have made a resurgence, alas, why not personal websites! As the now vintage Lani Hall song, Never Say Never (Again) circa 1983 goes... everything comes back! Fyi, it's a great song and fun, cheesy James Bond film, Sean Connery's last, that resulted due to a copyright dispute stemming back to 1965 when "Thunderball" was released cinematically between the original author, Ian Flemming and screenwriter, Kevin McClory. Life goes on, as does the weather. Keep on, keepin' on!



Artist, Geoscientist, Writer

newwaveweather.com (coming in 2025)
I just like to chase storms. There is inherent enjoyment in just that. If I make a little money, that's great, if not, so be it. I personally could care less if Twitter or whatever uses my images/video to train AI. It's not much different than an artist or a photographer scouring the internet for ideas or to learn. Twitter (I'm too old to change to calling it X) is not the only place where AI trains. I certainly won't grant permission for media to use my video for "credit." Pay me. As for direct copies of my video/images, I'll go after those that use them illegally. Twitter is still the most useful social media for real time updates during a storm situation. I just won't put non-watermarked quality video on the platform. Quick low quality clip or cell pic all watermarked...no problem.) I don't have the time or energy to add another social media time suck to my schedule. Stormtrack is awesome for archives, and leisurely thoughtful and focused discussion about all aspects of chasing. In the end, I just want to have a fun time chasing and share the cool stuff that I see.
Bill, all points taken. I'll note here direct to you that I respectively disagree that Twitter or X is the best way to reach people. That platform as all the others are now highly biased and regulated. It's not 2015 anymore. Regulation will continue to be post 2024. If you want to make an impact in a major weather situation, call 911, a local television station you are connected with or direct dial the National Weather Service to get a warning out. Better yet, fire up your ham radio and get the information out as cellular service goes down. Most people get their information from their phones "going off" during tornado events. That is due in part to direct warnings from spotters in the field and the relay process.

Storm chasers, spotters or degreed meteorologists that beleive "Twitter/X" is the primary go to platform for early warning information are greatly mistaken!



Artist, Geoscientist, Writer

newwaveweather.com (coming in 2025)
Blake, I think I was not quite clear. I agree with you about official warnings or calling in reports. Those should go to the NWS or at least 911 or local TV station as you said. I use Twitter for chase related activities in real time. Examples might include someone reporting towering Cu along the dryline in a specific area, developing wall cloud, someone's opinion concerning a storm merger, or downed power lines. Seeing a real time post of storm structure can be useful (or entertaining if sitting at home.) These are shorter posts than might be put on Facebook or even StormTrack. Not that Facebook is that useful. The "initiation near Pampa" post with photo might appear on my Facebook feed two days later or never. I typically use HAM radio for close communications unless there is a big cell phone outage. BTW, I still maintain my webpage!
Those statements are a very personal thing for me to write, because it cuts to the core of what many people seek out, or miss entirely, while searching for those natural displays of splendor, horror or merely a calm field with an abandoned farmstead in the foreground. I feel every one of us who has been formally published, broadcast, put to cinematic screen or interviewed on the topic can identify with the fact/s that utilizing our imagery for profit or not, is not, nor dare I say, should not, be the main "goal" for this type of activity (i.e. storm observing). Thankfully a collaborative book is being produced on the topic by a woman, Dr. Kate Carpenter, from Princeton. Keep an eye out for that text inbound in the next few years, it should be great!

I hope you don't mind me jumping in Blake! I've mulled over this for a while, because in my instance, a chasing trip might end up being something I can do a few times in my life, so I have to make the most of the experience. I kicked around ideas of doing a series, a bit like Chris at Chroniques Chaotiques, but the amount of work, time, and money to produce something like that just isn't financially viable.

Then I thought about other methods of documenting the trip but began to realise that there's little point. I realise many experienced chasers are more than capable of uploading quality live video on the go, but for many I wonder how much natural beauty is missed in pursuit of the 'better shot' or fumbling with cameras and phones.

I expect I will stick to the basics - enjoying the experience and living in the moment! Perhaps taking some still photography and maybe writing something about it all afterwards. I would much rather be present in the moment and be part of what is happening around me, rather than spending time panicking that things aren't perfect for social media.
Blake, I think I was not quite clear. I agree with you about official warnings or calling in reports. Those should go to the NWS or at least 911 or local TV station as you said. I use Twitter for chase related activities in real time. Examples might include someone reporting towering Cu along the dryline in a specific area, developing wall cloud, someone's opinion concerning a storm merger, or downed power lines. Seeing a real time post of storm structure can be useful (or entertaining if sitting at home.) These are shorter posts than might be put on Facebook or even StormTrack. Not that Facebook is that useful. The "initiation near Pampa" post with photo might appear on my Facebook feed two days later or never. I typically use HAM radio for close communications unless there is a big cell phone outage. BTW, I still maintain my webpage!
Bill, you were completely clear. Perhaps my message was not.

All I was implying is that reports on social media, ala X/Twitter, Meta/FB, et al get "lost" in the digital ether more so than not these days, verses say in 2010 when there was a better signal to noise balance beyond algorithmic favoring, in terms of sharing a "image", "video", or report to the proper authorities i.e. the National Weather Service. I too was an early adopter of "social media" but continued to report ye olde fashion way via two meter HT radio, cell phone or when I was a formal broadcaster, via FM, SNG, ENG or cellular bonded live equipment (LiveU, TVU, etc).

In all reality, trying to snap, share and report a photo moment of a tornado or weather event more often than not detracted from my focus on my main goals when in the field. It skewed my focus on the photojournalism, videography or documentation at hand. Sometimes the "report" was picked up, and in the case of when I had a broader "platform" to forward my message along, it was beneficial. Solo however, such as if you or I were to now submit a report via that method, it's not really all that useful and in fact is a distraction to what is a very simple process of observe, report ground truth and continue the documentation process.

I'm happy you still maintain a original webpage, Bill! Brian Morganti, a friend and former chase partner, also does as well, in purest 1999 style HTML format! :D I have personally moved onto comedy writing and no longer maintain any formal weather or historical weather websites beyond the repository that is Ancient Air Theatre on YouTube, which as the title alludes to, is just that. Ancient history for people to educate themselves with, create new productions and share a fascination with the turbulent atmosphere that effects us all.

Great discussion!



Artist, Geoscientist, Writer

newwaveweather.com (coming in 2025)
Then I thought about other methods of documenting the trip but began to realize (typo 1 corrected) that there's little point. I realize (typo 2 corrected) many experienced chasers are more than capable of uploading quality live video on the go, but for many I wonder how much natural beauty is missed in pursuit of the 'better shot' or fumbling with cameras and phones.
Spot on correct, Jamie.

Most "chasers" have missed the point of storm observation, pursuit and documentation in this day and age entirely! To quote Gene Moore from awhile back yet a statement that still applies today, "It's about the sky!" Anything else be it streamers, vehicle wraps, "personalities" or light bars is akin to a "storm chaser" version of distractive "flair" and reminds me of the "follow the leader" suggestions presented by the annoying boss played by writer Mike Judge in the 1999 comedy film, 'Office Space'. Yes, I know that example is a reach!

In regards to storm observation, there is not a set format or style to it. It's like a Baskin Robins ice cream shack, with a selection of flavors, preferences and presentation styles. Creativity flows from inspiration, and yes, one can become inspired by the atmosphere, surrounding topographic features of the land and people we share those eras with. It's all in the moment. Videos and journals merely capture a sliver of those raw human experiences. That aspect, i.e. the "raw" moments, have always been what makes a weather sojourn quite special or in all honesty, lackluster for me, nor will that change until I depart this earth, even if I am now pursuing comedy verses natural disasters.

To each our own. Good discussion, Jamie. Fyi, part of my family is originally from Cornwall, UK. I still plan to visit one of these days, having never yet set foot across the Atlantic. I can be quite a proper British type when needed. 😊



Artist, Geoscientist, Writer

newwaveweather.com (coming in 2025)