Jason Foster
I think it is worth the discussion. Will it impact or not, or as you say, is it ironic that some say that. I don't know myself, but I think a nice civilized conversation about it would be nice.I find it incredibly odd that a forum full of so many TVN fans would have an issue with another Twister movie because_it_might_expose_chasing_and_create_an_influx_of_new_wannabes...while TVN is spreading the chasing vibe on a brand new continent. That's just laughable.
Does anyone really think chasing could be anymore popular or "exposed" to the general public than it already is? Discovery/TVN has saturated chasing beyond what I thought was capable the past few years; bums in alleys in major cities know who RT is. Do you really think a Twister sequel is gonna trump that for exposing chasing to the public? Do you even care?
I think there is a HUGE difference between cable TV, network TV, and film. Especially if it is the size and sales mark of the last Twister production. Perhaps RT is more exposed in your area, but I will say 99% of the people around here never heard of the show....and a ton more never watched it (even if they heard about it, or saw the commercials). There is still a huge market for PUBLIC (not chaser) consumption.
Hmmm. I wonder why Titanic didn't make crossing the Atlantic more popular? ;-)
I actually think that cruise sales did go up after that movie though...but I'd have to verify that to say it as fact.
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