Tropical storm (err, hurricane!) Vince heading for Europe?

Apr 8, 2004
Jerusalem, Israel
A tropical storm forming where it did (34N), moving immidiately north-east and not west or north-west (or even north), and making its way towards Spain?!

How rare is this?

This is pretty rare, indeed. Usually, Hurricanes don't form in this area, due to certain climatology factors, affecting TS/Hurricane development.
SST’s are warmish enough (23c-34c) to support cyclone development and latest satellite numbers now support 60 knt winds! However Vince is a very small system and will soon be absorbed by a cold front that is surging south East towards it.

Interesting that some of our higher tornado days (numbers wise) in North West Europe occur from frontal passages that contain tropical air.

From the TORRO FAQ.
The largest tornado outbreak in Britain is also the largest tornado outbreak known anywhere in Europe. On November 21, 1981, 105 tornadoes were spawned by a cold front in the space of 5.25 hours. Excepting Derbyshire, every county in a triangular area from Gwynedd to Humberside to Essex was hit by at least one tornado, while Norfolk was hit by at least 13. Very fortunately most tornadoes were short-lived and also weak (the strongest was around T5 on the TORRO Tornado Scale) and no deaths occurred.
I'm not sure if this is a typo, but the NHC site has the system as a hurricane. It doesn't say anything in the discussion or public advisory, but the graphic says "Hurricane Vince"

Edit: Ok, I'm told the advisories now verify the hurricane status.
I'm not sure if this is a typo, but the NHC site has the system as a hurricane. It doesn't say anything in the discussion or public advisory, but the graphic says "Hurricane Vince"

The system is upgraded to a Hurricane as of the 21z advisory package.
This is quite amazing!

It already looked more than just a tropical storm in the sat pic in the first message, with that nice distinct eye.

Could this be the northern-most system that developed to a hurricane? I mean wow, 34N, this is the mid latitudes...
a hurricane(named system 20) with a well defined eye headed off the coast of portugal?

Well, given what has allready happened these past 2 years, Im really not all that suprised.
My friend gave it a good name... the "Spain-o-cane"



Spain-o-cane would just about describe it! I'm beginning to wonder if icewater wouldn't produce a tropical system this year:)
