Tornado outbreak in Barcelona, Spain

European Severe Weather Database

Hi Pedro,

Like the others, I am totally in awe by the photos and I've seen more (total of 17 tornadoes, I heard)... would it be possible for you and your friends in Spain to add the reports to the ESWD database? This is an (outbreak?) event that simply can't be missed in the European database. Go to to fill out the form. If everybody would do this soon after an event in their own country, we would be getting closer to mapping the recent severe weather in Europe (like the daily SPC storm events map), and anticipate better in our forecasts. I'd love to hear more frequently from the Spanish severe weather community.

Hi Oscar,

Precisely I was just exchanging some emails with Helge Tuschy about that. I'm going to send to him more data, as I'm not able to fill all the boxes of the form. Then, all the info has been verified by photographs and videos, and you could show and save that event in your ESWD database (a very good work!).

As I was saying to Helge, the most of tornadoes took place in the evening last 7th along the coastal area of Barcelona (Castelldefels, Sitges, "El Prat" Airport, Mollet...) sometimes in groups!! For example, 4 tornadoes were seen at the same time from the Airport of El Prat!!

I think the most of the tornadoes were waterspouts and landspouts, but some of them could be tornadoes which were born from supercell storms embedded in Mesoescale Convective Systems.

I'll try to give you all info I can.

Thanks, Oscar.
Originally posted by Estofex
Numerous tornadoes in the Barcelona surrounding areas! Reports say at least 10-15 of them were observed! Some of them may be strong F2 to F3 category. Mostly they were water- and landspouts. An intense downpours (over 100mm) also included in these supercell storms, they merged into a large MCS later on.

This was without a doubt a very impressive event by western European and, heck, even American standards; incredible pictures and a day I'm sure few in Barcelona will soon forget. Though a few of the tornadoes appeared to be fairly strong while in their mature stages, I haven't seen very much in the way of damage compelling enough to warrant an F2 or F3 rating. If anyone has photos that show 'significant tornado' damage, I would be very interested in seeing them.
Hi there :D !

We have updated the special section we have opened in Cazatormentas.Net for this severe event. New photos have been includded and some videos will be available soon. The icing on the cake will be a synoptical study (firstly available in Spanish only).