Well maybe we'll get lucky next time a Tornado Emergency is issued and have another town destroyed so that way it verified and everyone is happy.
You may be missing the point of this discussion. I don't believe the "TE" for Greensburg was a good idea even though it verified. This is for several reasons that I will again state:
1. One human life is just as valuable as another. The discussions that this should be done when a tornado is approaching a "large city" implies that those lives are more valuable than rural or small town lives (think about it before you reply to this contention). As a former TV meteorologist, I heard this from rural viewers all the time. This would only reinforce that belief and, in a way, it would be true if the TE is reserved only for 'large cities.'
2. Once the expectation is set that a "tornado emergency" will be issued when the 'real thing' is approaching a city, then people will begin to ignore tornado warnings.
3. We don't have the meteorological skill to do this consistently well as last night demonstrates. My concern is not that SGF issued a TE that didn't work out -- I don't think
any TE's should be issued.
4. To build on #3,
You can think of it like this: Imagine that PDS Tornado Watches were not an official product and an SPC lead forecaster thought that there was going to be a severe tornado event that day.
The fact is that the tornado watch for Greensburg was
not a PDS. That is not a criticism of SPC, it is evidence that we do not have have the skill to do these (PDS and TE) consistently well with nearly zero FAR.
5. The point I made in post #29,
Here is one of the "non-emergency" (????) tornado warnings from last night. Since the NWS is telling people in the warning area, "So do not wait. Take cover now!" and giving safety rules, what, exactly, do the proponents of the tornado "emergency" message want people to do differently to save their lives?
If the sirens are already going off (they were), if the TV and radio are in full-out coverage (they were), and if we are not instructing people to do anything different, why issue the TE and
run the risk of watering down the effectiveness of tornado warnings?