Hey fellas, new guy here. Figured this would be a good thread to make my debut on since, while I've had a fascination with tornadoes for as long as I can remember, TIV 1 was what really got me into storm chasing. We can go more into my origin story later: what I want to do right now though is provide some updates on the old warhorse.
So quick recap for anyone who is still in the dark utterly clueless, which I don't completely blame you for since we haven't heard a whole lot from the Silver Ghost as I like to call her, since Storm Chasers ended. In 2019, Sean Casey sold TIV 2 on Craigslist to fellow chaser Ryan Shepard, who was actually a part of Team TIV and was involved in the making of the IMAX film, Tornado Alley. It's long since been refurbished and is now sponsored by the chaser group, Live Storm Chasers. Ryan remains the driver of the vehicle. As far as TIV 1 is concerned, Sean had left it on some guy's Liebenthal, Kansas farm for a number of years before hosting a scavenger hunt for it. Whoever found it first could keep it. Robert Clayton, a KSN Storm Tracker and member of the Chase One: Storm Chasing group was the lucky man, and he is the owner of the vehicle. I see some of you have watched his video touring the TIV and explaining some of his immediate + long-term plans for it, so I'll move on now to the most recent updates.
As of writing, the TIV is in storage at Augie's Repair & Towing in Hays. The plan is to give it a complete rebuild from the ground-up. Some of these details include a complete redesign of the interior, remaining rear-wheel drive, as well as replacing the hydraulic claws with spikes like on TIV 2, as I see some of you have noted. It's also planned to be repainted black, so I won't be able to call her the Silver Ghost anymore, unfortunately. Perhaps the most crucial aspect of her rebuilding is that she is planned to have a brand-new twin-turbo engine. Which kind may be used I'm not sure, although I would personally be down for the Cummins. From what I understand, it is the most powerful diesel engine on the market, and I've always been fond of combining the power of a Dodge Cummins with the durability of a Ford (because from what I also understand Ford trucks are more durable and long-lasting than a Dodge; correct me if I'm wrong). I look at it as the next Fair Play x Mahubah = Man o' War breeding type of thing, if any of you know anything about horse racing.
Unfortunately, this engine rebuild is also what is really screwing up the plans to get TIV 1 back up and running, as the parts needed for the engine are, according to Robert, currently unavailable.
BUT, that doesn't seem to be getting in the way of the short-term plan. For right now, Robert plans to get just the necessary fixes on TIV 1 so it can run again in time for the next storm season. Basically a practice run.
And that's about it. I'll leave a link to the latest video about TIV 1's current status right after this. I'll also link Robert's Facebook post where he goes into even more detail about what's going on, if I can find it again. For now, my name is Kevin; hope I was of some service to this topic, and it's a pleasure to be here.
TIV 1 facts - YouTube