Dan Nichols

Who, among the chaser community, is really into thunder for the sheer sonic thrill of it? Of all the widely varied phenomena of a thunderstorm, I like thunder the best. That's why we call 'em "thunderstorms". But while traveling on highway speeds one misses much of thunder's voice. It's like seeing a rock concert without hearing its music, or like watching a silent film of the event. That is why I prefer seeing storms outside of my car. Given the (almost too much) plentitude of shopping malls in the Northeast whose overhangs offer rain protection, it is not at all hard to find one along a chase route -- or stay home if Home is in a storm-prone area.
Here is a video that sums up all the virtues -- and a few warm fuzzies -- of a stay-at-home thunderstorm for which my thousand words can't do:

Click here: YouTube - Very loud, very flashy thunderstorm (sorry; doesn't work.You'll need to type it on You Tube itself)

And what is that audible TICK that I sometimes hear, immediately followed by a (usually) very loud thunderclap? If anyone gets a bang out of thunder, let me know.
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Dan, I think someone stole your THUNDER. There is no link there to hear the flashy thunderstorm. Nothing to copy or paste either.

I'm not sure about an audible tick, but I sometimes feel a lump in the back of my britches when thunder gets too loud.
as many times as I have been struck I should hate thunder but I dont.

Depens on my mood as to the kinds i like. On a chase I love big cracking thunder that shakes the ground and makes everybody duck even though the lightning has already hit and ducking is

And if I am at home or resting I love a lazy gentle rolling thunder that seems to never stop. It is almost theraputic.

back when I was a small child i was scared to death of thunder. One night my grandmother was trying to get me to go to bed during a storm (I was like 5 or 6) but I was too scared. She told me this long story but the jest of it was that thunder was only God bowling and the loud crash was him making a yes it seems silly but to a small child it helped me relax a ton and after that I was never afraid of it again. Funny some of the small things parents or grandparents do or say will stick with you for ever.
Not afraid of thunder - if you hear it, the bolt missed ya. =] I love a good crackin' thunderstorm, as long as it's not at night. But then again, thunder = lightning, chase opportunity off the front porch! LOL

That audible TICK may be your eardrum warning you of the impending crash of thunder, letting you know HERE IT COMES! My best guess.
She told me this long story but the jest of it was that thunder was only God bowling and the loud crash was him making a yes it seems silly but to a small child it helped me relax a ton and after that I was never afraid of it again. Funny some of the small things parents or grandparents do or say will stick with you for ever.

My grandpa always told me this too! Hahah. :D

I love all kinds of thunder - relaxing to earth-shaking. Distant rumbles have always been interesting. I especially like the ones that really crack for a long time - you can just imagine the energy release.
But Night is the BEST time!!! Few distractions, and the lightning is brighter.
I've always loved the sound of thunder and have found it to be one of the best parts of convective "icing on the cake." After a long winter, the first rumbles of thunder I hear in the late winter or early spring are like the welcoming notes of spring and the excitement it brings.

Now what really cracks me up are how some people (who are likely not very weatherwise) won't even flinch at a nearby blinding flash of lightning, which could kill, but almost jump out of their skin at the resulting loud clap of thunder which, we all know, is harmless. Go figure. :-/
Hey Dan! Wheres the link?
You got us all excited to see the video :D
Its the lightning alone and the explosive thunder that follows that first attracted me to the weather. The thrill of capturing a lightning bolt in a photograph is addicting and the thunder is the sweet payoff that comes after wards. No matter if its the weakest thunderstorm in the world, if there is lightning I am doing everything i can to photo, video and enjoy the storm.

Reading this thread made me want to find a loud thunder clip other than what I have recorded and found this video Its a great video and shows the bolt with the explosive thunder following.

There are tons more, but this one stood out most of the 10 I checked out.

SEAN: I'm sorry, but you -- and everyone interested -- will have to go to You Tube itself, then type into their bar "Very loud, very flashy thunderstorm". For sheer old-fashioned thunder, this is one of the best. Though I was unable to provide that video as a live link, I thank anyone who knows how to include the link onto a reply.
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Thunder is without a doubt my favorite sound in the entire world. This past weekend bfore going to bed I opened my window even though it was 40 degrees outside because I knew thunderstorms were coming.

That is why I can go on a chase, not see a tornado or any significant severe weather, but still come home happy as long as Im in the storm.
I have loved thunderheads since my toddler days. Particularly magical then was when a towering 'head danced with sun and blue sky and you could hear the rumbles deep within.

I love thunder in all it's aspects. On warm humid days when it is far away it sometimes rumbles with the depth and heart filled softness like that of a lovers breath in the ear.

I also love the CRASH that comes from a close bolt. My understanding is that the "tick" sound just before the crash comes from leader branches.

I also love it when atmospheric conditions cause a particularly cannon-like clapping to resonate, shaking walls and vibrating windows in the process and going on and on for many seconds at a time, complete with secondary explosions.

Of course it's crucial for me that I see the lighting. For me that's God's fireworks dancing. Interestingly, in some traditions, lightning symbolizes enlightenment.
It has been very dry here in North Central Texas for a very long time. When the forecast for the good soaking rain that we are currently enjoying first appeared, I randomly played some thunder sound files I have on my computer for my classes.

The thunderclaps and rolling boomers were like appetizers for the good rains were getting now. Very relaxing..................
I too, have always enjoyed thunder. I remember, when I was little, my dad would open the garage door, pull out a few chairs and we would sit and enjoy God's fireworks...blinded by the lightning, and jumping at the thunder.

Probably the most incredible thunder I ever heard was up at Maroon Bells near Aspen Colorado. We were up at Crater Lake, which is above 10,000 feet, and lightning struck far up the valley. The thunder literally seemed to roll down the valley, and continued to echo back and forth off the surrounding mountains for several minutes. That was a beautiful sound...