The Stormtrack target forecasting game is back!

Dec 4, 2003

This is only a beta -- I've had to make some tweaks to the code and I'm not 100% it works correctly as it did back in 2004. Post any bug reports in this thread only.

There are some "junk clicks" from today when the moderators were testing this. We will allow this for a limited time on non-convective days (i.e. no SPC risk) for you all to practice with it.

Also we're accepting "scorers" to click where tornadoes actually occurred.

Ok, I wondered what ever happened to that.

Actually yesterday I was thinking of creating a 'virtual' or 'fantasy' chase for today's event and for tomorrow's. I couldn't chase so I thought it might be fun to somehow organize a virtual desk chase for the rest of us stuck at home - similar to fantasy football, etc. This would basically be similar to the case chase studies but would happen in the future rather than the past. Not sure how the rules would work. Seems it would be similar to a forecast post, with requirements to post your target at different times, and similar to your new chase case study tool you can only move 50 miles per hour, etc from start, and eventually see who finishes close enough for the pictures of the big tubes.

Hmm, seems if combined with graphics it could be an interactive visual internet based game. You could hover over a particular point and see whose vehicle it is and what their current thoughts are and position with a reference to all their forecast remarks. Sound interesting?
Is there a way to hide all of the forecast markers until you've entered your own forecast? I think that would add a degree of challenge for each forecaster (in other words, so I can't put my marker right next to Jeff Snyder's every time).


P.S. Thanks for bringing it back, Tim! It should be a lot of fun.

Originally posted by Gabe Garfield
Is there a way to hide all of the forecast markers until you've entered your own forecast?

For your own forecast, you can just bookmark the target entry page that comes up -- it is devoid of all markers. As far as doing this for all users, that would cause people to input garbage just to get to the results.

Its too bad you can't zoom in on the map to gain some accuracy on your targeting.......or maybe enter a precise lat/long. I know of a way to do this using the esri internet mapping server but I'm sure you've already got things set how you want.
A couple of changes...

(1) The link to the Target game is now in the navigation toolbar at the top of this page.

(2) I added some code that will properly reveal the contestant name when you hover over a forecast. Apparently the ALT= tag worked fine a couple of years ago, now the browsers want a TITLE= tag. Also this hover will not work in IE5 and earlier.

We still don't have any scorers. Anyone?

Sweet! Tim – thanks for resurrecting this. I loved this back on '04. really glad to see it again. Much appreciated!!!

Sorry, I can't add autoscoring, zoom features, and so forth as I don't have a lot of time to work on this system. I might see if we can contract some of the work out later as time permits.

Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
We still don't have any scorers. Anyone?

I'd be interested in scoring. I usually try to keep records of tornado events as it is. It would be a pleasure to help with this. Would you want preliminary reports or final ones?
Just preliminary ones, as per the SPC severe weather reports. It's fine if you only put in the significant ones. The minor ones can be added if someone is bored or has the time.

X the GOM!

I remember this in '04... I thought it was an excellent way to insure the convergence of first-time chasers, yahoos and virgin sky watchers with veteran chasers/forecasters. I think it's a brilliant mechanism to help us all party under the same storm.

Hey Jeff Snyder... Put your X in the GOM