I'm glad there is a thread on this subject.
This is my first year of chasing.
I've had two close encounters with tornadoes; w/funnels just over my head.
But three really close encounters with lightning.
The most dangerous was in Elgin NE on July 15th.
I was eSpotting a 56k foot high storm that began E of Oneill that was moving twards Omaha NE - that had a whole scad of funnel clouds. I stuck around for the RFD - like a dumb-@$$ newbie that I am.
There was a Nebraska State Trooper there with me calling in the funnel clouds to radio control. We started to get a bunch of lightning and some high winds - jogging both of our vehicles to the point that they nearly tipped over. We were trapped by too much wind and near zero visibility due to the rain. It slacked off a bit after a minute.
A couple of shots of the funnel clouds are here:
Then the bolts got closer. I got busy unplugging my laptop from the power inverter and disconnected my external cell phone antenna. I had just looked up and -wham/slam- a bolt struck no more than five yards away from my Honda - just right in front of me. It was deafening and I saw black for about three seconds. I looked over to the Trooper, and at this time his eyes were bugging out of his head and his jaw rammed to his chest.
He rolled down his window for a moment and said "It can't get any closer than that!!".
I said "Oh - yes it can!"
It was as close as I have ever been to lightning - and I never want to get that close again unless I am in a car. I seriously questioned -and still do- the notion/need of having an external cell phone antenna after that.
I'm still trying to get the stains out...