The Closest You Personally Have Been to Lightning

Nov 20, 2007
Richardson, TX
What's the closest that you have ever been to lightning? How did it affect you?

There are three times that come to mind for me. One was in 1972 when I was living in SE Ohio. One night as I watched a storm about 15 miles to my north, I was standing under my apartment roof, by a huge field, and within feet of a barbed wire fence (was in my early 20's, you know we are invincible at that age!) A few huge drops started falling, kind of clanging on the generator that sat a few yards from me. Up to then I was backed up against the wall under the roof, but when the drops started, I stuck my hand out, thinking that it might be hail and wanting to see... at that split second, a HUGE waterfall of blue lightning descended the equivilant of two houses away. At the same time, a tremendous blast of thunder occurred, the force of which knocked me to my knees.

In the time it took to run around to the front porch, maybe 30 seconds, there were three more of these. The moon came out and shined a streak through the falling rain and I realized that I had come close to losing my life.

Another time was when I had gone on a storm chase in the Monadnock Region of SW New Hampshire in 1986. I finally reached the storm, and watched from the safety of my car with windows rolled up. One bolt landed a few yards from my drivers side window, hit the parking lot, and broke into tens of pieces that slithered like snakes across the pavement. It was AWESOME!!

The third time was when I was living in Houston, in 2005-6. One Late Fall night in '05, as I stood on my back patio watching a storm envelop us with mostly occasional C-C lightning flashes, a tremendous bolt struck a lightpole right across the road from my patio. Fortunately I saw it out of the corner of my eye, for it was multi-branched and even from a glance, it left a lingering ribbon in my eyes for awhile after. The blast from the thunder made my ears ring for awhile after. That was certainly a wakeup call!
ive been pretty damn close a few times...enough to duck, and go back inside...

i dont remember specific dates, but if there is alot of lightning around, you wont find me outside looking at it...

the tree in our back yard has been hit twice by lightning on two separate of those times, i was all heated typing on messenger to someone, and as soon as i mashed the enter key...BOOM!

the lightning struck!
This year in 5-23-07 Reno County, KS we chased a cell from near Kingman, KS - Cotton wood falls, KS. Genaro Estrada and I where sitting in the car watching the base of the storm, it was showing good rotation at the time. BOOOOOMMMM! the loudest boom i have ever heard it took 5 or 10 sec for me to snap out of the shell shock. Parked on the South edge of the road the bolt hit the ground just past the North edge of the road in the ditch! Why lightning would hit the lowest spot around I have no clue. Thats much closer then I ever wanted to be!
I live about 100 or so yards from the Fairfield water tower; and one night during a storm, it got struck by lightning. It sounded like a bomb had gone off! My room is in the basement, and I could still hear the entire house shake.

One night when I was at summer camp there was a storm that had woke me up in the middle of the night, and because I love to just lay in bed and listen to storms, thats what I did. After awhile, the storm died down and I thought it was over for the most part. I rolled over to go back to sleep, and all of a sudden I saw a huge bright light, and almost instantly was the loudest clap of thunder I had ever heard!! You should have heard all the girls in our cabin scream!!!
Had a strike hit within a hundred yards or so. Only way we could tell was from the dust it kicked up in a freshly plowed field! I was in the process of getting in a vehicle and could not notice the strike before hand. A friend of mine who was standing outside of the vehicle, however, had the hair on his arm raise on end.

I'm just preparing for David's novel on all of his close encounters ;)
I've seen many close calls from inside the car, probably the best one being on June 12, 2005 during the Kent County, TX tornado machine. A CG hit a couple hundred feet to the side of the road with a bright red glow, sending up a plume of back smoke from the ground.

Back in 1999 I was under an overpass when a bolt hit something directly overhead, possibly a light post on the road above. Back then I was shooting 35mm stills using a tape recorder to capture thunder:

My ears were ringing for 30 minutes after that.

The closest I've ever been is about two feet! Lightning struck my 4Runner's two-meter HAM radio antenna while I was chasing on May 7th, 2000 near Bridgeport, Nebraska. I've never screamed like that since, thankfully :)
(WARNING: Profanity)

... Here's a slow-motion shot of the actual strike:

... and a survey of the damage after the strike.
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Wow, incredible video Jon! I like the shower of sparks that occurs as well! By chance, where was the ham radio mic when the lightning struck?
... where was the ham radio mic when the lightning struck?

The mic was hanging off the steering wheel; fortunately the current only made it as far as the radio. The antenna cable burst in several places from the overloading current, all along the cable from the rear window to between the front seats. This smoke made me think the truck was on fire, so I wanted to get out of there, but I didn't want to touch any metal for fear of being electrocuted. I thought I was stuck, so that left me with only one other logical option: panic!!1!


Standing in the same spot taking pictures the opposite direction. All of a sudden I heard this rushing waterfall type sound so I ducked back inside the car and next thing I know it was a brilliant FLASH and instantaneous BOOOOOOOOOM! Didn't know what was hit or where it hit. Turns out it was the tree about 30 feet behind me and one of the branches of the lightning channel apparently caught the house on fire next door.

On august 12th 2007, while we were chasing a friend of mine caught on video a lightning strike that hitted a tree at about 40 feet from where I was.


Let me tell you that I freaked! We were communicating with our CB's and you can hear us yell right after haha!

Here's the video! (strikes occur at 35 seconds)
WARNING: There's bad language .... but in french! LOLL
While I was the Aquatic Director at a Summer Camp, a storm rolled through and I got my kids out of the water. They were about one minute out of the water when lightning hit the lake about 50 feet from me. I had just stepped off of the metal dock after retrieving my clipboard.

We found several dead fish washed up on the shore the next morning and the water appeared to "boil" for a short time where the charge hit.

Heck... That was like twenty years ago now... Damn I'm old...
Anybody else ever felt the intense wave of static from an incompleted lightning strike? Happened to me and another of our chase party up in Miles City, MT photographing CG's from the parking lot... really heartbeating to feel the wave raising your hair for a second and hearing it at the same too! :eek:

Learnt my lesson as I especially have to be extra vigilant around CG lightning being 6'8" and don't want to end up being the human conductor... ouch.
I never really told anybody about this because it sounded ridiculous, but when I was chasing in the Texas panhandle several years ago I think I had the same experience you are talking about. I had a soft top Jeep, which made me extremely nervous around CG lightning. Anyways, I was on a storm (driving) when I felt something similar to static electricity. I didn't hear anything, but there was no mistaking the build up of static electricity. At the same time all of my equipment powered down. My car stereo, scanner, weather radio, and whatever else I had at the time. The weird thing is that some of it was running off my car some of it was battery powered, but it all turned off. It was so long ago that I don't really remember if it sputtered and stayed on or what. I just remembered it all shut off. You can imagine the thoughts that go through your head when that happens. I thought, "oh $h*!". I lightened my grip on the steering wheel and squinted my eyes expecting to get lit up by a bolt of lightning. It only lasted a few seconds then went away. I still don't know exactly what it was, but the only explanation I can come up with is that I was about to get struck by lightning and for some reason it didn't happen.

As far as close calls go, that happened in the Texas panhandle too on the Kent County tornadic supercell. I was video taping a weak lowering went a CG hit about 70 yards away. In the video the strike is out of the screen to my left, but the picture lights up (extremely bright). I blurted out a long drawn out "$h#!" and dropped the camera when it hit. I dropped the video off at the station I chase for when I got back to Wichita and told them that if they used that piece of video to edit the language. It was kind of hard to hear me cuss because of the bang from the strike, but if you were paying attention you could hear it easy enough. Anyways, after dropping off the video I went home to forecast for a little bit before heading out to chase northern Iowa that afternoon (it was a brutal 48 hours without sleep. I chased the panhandle, drove over night to Wichita to drop off video, then left and chased northern Iowa that afternoon). I was watching the morning show I the station I chase for while I forecasted and sure enough they showed the lightning strike clip (and they didn't edit it). There was a bunch of tornado footage on there too so I doubted they would show the lightning video. My roomate was sitting on the couch with me and when they showed the clip he turned and looked at me and goes, "did you say $h#!". I couldn't believe they didn't take that out. Somebody must have just overlooked it. Anyways, I thought it was pretty funny. The lightning strike itself wasn't funny at all though. It scared the hell out of me. When I had my Jeep I always thought about getting hit by lightning in my car and I envisioned the soft top melting and instantly shrink wrapping me like a little frozen burrito. I'm sure glad I got rid of the Jeep and have a solid roof over my head now.
When I lived in Tucson lightning struck the air conditioner of the house next door, the pole transformer in the alley, and best of all the twin palm trees across the street while I was storm watching. The tops of both trees were blown to smithereens and set afire.
That I know of, it was about 20 feet. I was a kid and was sitting at the kitchen table, while my mother stood at the sink washing dishes. The window in front of her was raised, and a bolt hit right outside the screen, couldn't have been more than 3-4 feet from her. She screamed, pulled her hands out of the water, and jumped back. I just happend to be looking that direction and saw it all. The bolt was about 2 inches thick from my point of view, and only lasted a split second. Of course the "crash" that came with it scared the crap out of us both.

In 1995 I worked for a tree trimming company who's trucks had large booms on top, and I'm fairly certain our truck was hit one time as we were driving. There was a bright flash that filled the cab for an instant, followed by a loud "crack" sound. But I couldn't say for sure where the bolt actually hit because neither of us saw it.

As far as chasing, I have no clue how close I've really been to lightning. There have been numerous times when I've seen flashes and heard instant crashes but never saw the bolt. And on June 12, 2004 I was standing outside the vehicle with my vidcam in hand, plugged into the vehicle's lighter adapter, and felt a small shock through my vidcam as a bright flash happened. I think it was behind us across the road, but I couldn't be sure. All I know is David Drummond was standing six feet from me so I should've known someone was gonna get struck LOL.
Closest I got was on 13th Feb 1996.

Am a pro forecaster in the UK, and was against all odds predictiing the possibility of thundery showers close to the south coast of England during my day shift on the 12th. I then lived in a satellite town outside Southampton UK.

My collegue that day predicted a cold front to pass across Southampton at around 5:30GMT, needless to say he got some stick for trying to be over accurate. I was then trying to get across that following on convection could be weakly thundery.

Front went through at 5:23, according squall and wind shift. Just needed the thundery showers now I hoped.

At around 8:45, heard thunder in the distance. There were three or four more rumbles thereafter, each getting closer. Finally a huge flash, bright enough to have the shape of the curtained window impinge on my retina. There was a crack, not loud, just sounded like someone breaking a small log over their knee.

On investigation, found my house had been struck. Fortunately, it was a weak, low based winter type storm, so the lightning was not powerful. However, it had made a hole in my roof.

Needless to say, my collegues gave me some serious stick after that, and the story appeared as a paragraph or two in three national newspapers.

Just goes to show, you have to be careful what you wish for.
Had some pretty close calls. One time lightning hit the main mast of a yacht which was moored to the wooden jetty I was on. Maybe 30 ft I suppose.

Only this year I had about 3 close ones in the space of 2 minutes. I was taking shots on some high ground one day and the tower near me was hit three times. Howard Kirkby will confirm this as I was on the phone to him at the time to see what radar was saying.
Mine was when hiking at Shiloh Military Park (TN) as a boy scout. There was a dark supercell base that came overhead (remember that very well) and we had been pelted by golfballs for a moment. Then the cg-s started zapping around us. Me and a friend were at the tail end of the hikers and I was second to last. All the sudden it was a zip and then a deafening bang. I lost the hearing in my right ear temporarily, and the kid behind me was blinded for about fifteen mins. The lightning bolt hit about 20 ft. behind me and about 10 ft. ahead of the kid who was the last one along the trail. Fortunately we came out unscathed burn or shock wise, and recovered from this very close encounter. I have had some close calls as a chaser but nothing that close. :eek:
Ive had several close encounters, as im sure we all have since we purposely put ourselves in harms way ;)

Closest strike caught on camera was on easter of 2006 [April 16th I believe the date was] while chasing in East Central Illinois.

I think its impossible to have a close lightning strike without having a curse word that follows, it isnt me talking in the video [Im driving] it was my partner Matt Fischer.


Heres a video still from a strike outside my window as I was filming a storm this past August. I never uploaded the video. It was almost out of frame....go figure.
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Maybe 5 to 10 feet. I was sitting in the living room of the house when it hit the Sweetbay Magnolia tree beside the rock patio behind me, knocked me out of the chair! Then I went and hid in the closet, lol. I was 15 then when this happened.

Another time was about 7 feet away. I was at my aunts house in Rosepine,LA and mom was washing some dishes. She leaned over to put some away, lightning came thru the kitchen window, right where she was remind you, and struck the iron skillet on the stove. It sent the skillet flying onto the floor and sparks went everywhere. I never heard the boom, but my ears were burning after it happened. I was maybe 10 years old.

Lastly, sitting right where I am now in the weather office, it struck the palm tree outside the window about 20 feet away, somehow, the tree still lives, although it blew palm boots and dead frawnds off!
June 26, 2005. Scott Olson and I were underneath a supercell in ND. We were driving to the interstate and we had several very close lighting strikes I want to say one was at least 30-50 feet away. This was a constant barrage. I felt like we were in a war zone dogging mortars. These are the type of bolts that sound like canons they really don't have a crackling to them they just go boom with a really deep bass to them. The ones that make your butt pucker.

Another time I was driving a few miles outside of Champaign, IL on July 4, 2005. About 30 feet in front of me I saw a telephone poll get struck on the left side of the road. That was cool. And there was a storm spotter underneath the pole and I quickly stopped and asked him if he was okay and if he saw the bolt. He said he did not see the bolt but the flash. However, he did seem startled. He also seemed upset when I asked him.
Two lightning close calls

About 12 years ago, while sitting on the back porch enjoying a storm, lightning hit the pole at the corner of the yard about 60ft from my location. The pole supported overhead power distribution as well as phone and cable TV. The power cycled and came back on within a second, with no apparent damage to electrical equipment via the power connection. The TV, however, was damaged through the cable connection. Interestingly enough, the lightning chose to hit the pole as apposed to a large tree between the pole and house that was twice as high.

Last year, lightning hit the folk’s house. My Dad was in the kitchen on the first floor of the two story home, and the arc jumped between the ceiling to the floor *inside* the room. There was damage to numerous electrical devices; ranging from the TV antenna dish electronics, microwave oven, overhead door controller in the garage, and the electronics inside of the whole-house vacuum. The screen on a TV was magnetized by the lightning currents so that discoloration of the display resulted. That problem has since then remedied it’s self over time by the degausser in the set. The only visible evidence of lightning damage is a hole about 1 inch in diameter in the aluminum ridge vent on the roof.

- bill
about 10 feet

In Atchinson , KS in the late 1980's I think, a buddy and I hopped to a tennis court nearby to hit some balls.
There were no clouds or thunder as I remember.

As I approached the net, there was a big blast of light and boom. The guy across the net said a lightning bold hit the power poll a number of feet away.

Needless to say we high tailed it out of there right away.

Too close weeewwww
South Central Illinois upon June 22, 2006; I was chasing with Kurt Hulst and as we were seemingly traversing among the leery road, in almost 70 dBZ, with such copious rainfall the visibility was terrifyingly horrid, you could not see two feet in front of you, however, there was no hail within the precipitation. Interestingly enough, we were driving just by a wooden power line, and almost four feet away from me, I saw this amazingly bright flash, illuminating all my vision, and less than a millisecond later...a boom unlike any boom I have ever heard before struck my eardrums, and shook the car. Absolutely the closest personal account I have to say.