The Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium 2005: March 19

Dr. Dewey is a close friend of mine. I will refer these concerns to him. I am bummed I didn't get to go to the Symposium this year, but thanks to everybody in this group that went for all of the constructive ideas.
This was the second year that I've been to the Symposium. It almost seemed like Lincoln East was more full than North Star was last year and it definately felt way too crowded in that main hallway but it might be just the different size of the school.

I know that they said that Tim's video with the probe was being shown for the first time to us in the auditorium, but did they say when it was going to be released to the rest of the public? Possibly on National Geographic?
It will be interesting to see if that video probe will be able to capture another tornado this summer.


ps, anyone willing to teach a newbie this summer?
I had a great time at the Symposium. It was quite different from the other conferences I've been to in that it was aimed more towards local public attendance. In that respect it became a very emotional day for me. Just knowing how many people's lives in the audience were affected by the tornadoes on May 22nd made it difficult to talk about without letting the tears flow.

I enjoyed meeting so many different people, both local NE residents and chasers. It was great to see some familiar faces and finally meet some whose names I've known for so long. I really wanted to talk longer with you guys but so many people were trying to speak with me throughout the entire day. Peggy and I ended up at dinner with the Togstad's (family whose house was hit) so we weren't able to join the other group dinner, although I wanted to be able to make it to both!

Thank you all for the compliments on the presentation. It was difficult to make it "flow" with the wireless mike difficulties but it turned out all right. And I just couldn't stop my emotions!

As for our DVD's... I am unaware of anyone walking off with one but I was not at the table the entire time. We also made a hand-written sale sign with the price on it (we came un-prepared). And there were 2 of us standing and speaking with everyone who stopped by so it was easier to keep the people informed about the cost of the DVD's. One more thing..we sold them for $10. It's a little on the cheap side but people are more likely to be open and willing to pay for it at that price without complaining. We don't make a huge profit but it helps cover the equipment cost and our time and effort.

It is unfortunate that you had some negative experiences Mike (H). I'm sorry that happened to you! Next time just grab those DVD's back! That's so unfair.

Hope to see you all out on the road soon!
Since I tend to be a pretty emotionally driven person anyway, I can understand your feelings, Melanie. May 22nd was an emotionally charged day - and being face-to-face with the people affected really was tough to see. Honestly, the emotion you displayed was a good thing in that it helped people see that storm chasers aren't all cold, unfeeling people - and we really don't like seeing people hurt out there. Hearing some of the victims' stories really made me feel for them as well. I think it was touching and had real impact.

By the way - I also wanted to compliment Peggy on the way she fielded the question from the man who asked whether tornadoes are an act of God or a tool of the devil. The question took me off guard at first, but when I gave it some thought I could see why someone affected by the storms would want to hear a chaser's persepctive on the nature of these storms. Peggy handled that question very skillfully and professionally - I don't think any of us could have said it better, really.

Looking forward to seeing both of you and the others we met under the mesos again this year!