Since I tend to be a pretty emotionally driven person anyway, I can understand your feelings, Melanie. May 22nd was an emotionally charged day - and being face-to-face with the people affected really was tough to see. Honestly, the emotion you displayed was a good thing in that it helped people see that storm chasers aren't all cold, unfeeling people - and we really don't like seeing people hurt out there. Hearing some of the victims' stories really made me feel for them as well. I think it was touching and had real impact.
By the way - I also wanted to compliment Peggy on the way she fielded the question from the man who asked whether tornadoes are an act of God or a tool of the devil. The question took me off guard at first, but when I gave it some thought I could see why someone affected by the storms would want to hear a chaser's persepctive on the nature of these storms. Peggy handled that question very skillfully and professionally - I don't think any of us could have said it better, really.
Looking forward to seeing both of you and the others we met under the mesos again this year!