The Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium 2005: March 19

Thanks for posting


Thanks for posting the sticky about The Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium 2005 being held in Lincoln NE on March 19, 2005. I went to that event a few years back and it seems like the event keeps getting bigger and better.

The theme for this year's event is a major interest to everyone both from this area and regionally. Too bad the Hallam storm didn't get the video air time like the Mulvane KS tornado did. At one point, the track of the storm was heading right straight for my hometown, Lincoln NE. Fortunate for Lincoln, it veered right into Hallam, unfortunately. I believe this was one of two F-4 tornadoes that came out of that crazy tornado season of 2004.

I am planning on attending the symposium, taking pictures, taking notes and learning all about storms, structures and how I can get involved in storm spotting and chasing. I'm planning to attend the storm spotter class that they have scheduled during the afternoon of the symposium. I'm hopeful, this will be a springboard for my storm chasing career.

Hope we don't have severe weather that weekend!! See you there!! LJK.
I'm gonna attend as well since I missed the Chasers Convention due to coming down with the Flu.
I think that place is going to be packed. Sounds like quite a bit of interest in it. That and since it is mostly about Hallam and Hallam is so close to Lincoln it will have a big public crowd I'm sure.
I am looking forward to the CPSWS this year. We get to see Tim Samaras' amazing footage again. Just incredible video!

With focus on the Hallam day I anticipate this event to be fairly emotional, at least for me.

Hope to see many of you there!

I along with a few other KU met. students will be attending the symposium. It seems like the information that is going to be presented is going to be very informative and I couldn't pass up another opportunity to see Tim's video. If the symposium is free to attend and within a reasonable driving distance you can expect to see a broke college student there. :D
The Twister Sisters are going to be in attendance!?? Well now I HAVE to go!! :D

Seriously though, the buzz for this event is pretty big around here, so get your auditorium seat early! Looking forward to seeing everyone. Hollingshead may finally be able to put a face to this name, as much as I hounded him off and on last season without our paths ever crossing.

Oh, and for you single chasers out there, I understand Melanie now has two last names, if I'm not mistaken, so don't get any ideas. ;)
I think me and my wife are going to leave here about 6:30ish or so. Have never been to the location before, so I want to give myself time to locate it as well as find a parking space.

We may pop out of the symposium a little early that afternoon and head down to Hallam to get some shots of how things have progressed since we were down there to assist with recovery.

Look forward to seeing everyone there.


Can't wait, it's gonna be a blast. I'm getting off work at 3 PM the Friday before and gonna leave Pittsburg Kansas and drive up there for the night. Looking forward to it! Hope to see some of you there..
Yeah, I read that Saturday morning, too, Mike. Yeeesh.

I hope that doesn't translate to 4000-5000 more curiosity-seekers out on the roads this year.

Seriously, if they get that many people, this may be more trouble attending than its worth. I was hoping to mingle and meet some people from on here.....but how do I find anyone!?

Hollingshead, expect a Paypal invoice from me this week.....I figure I better get my copies before you sell out at the show by 10:30 am!!!

Anyone know if Lincoln East High School can accomodate this big of a crowd?
I would bet that there will not be 4000-5000 people in attendance all day. It bet it will be sporadic and probably will max out at 1000-2000 at one time. Some people might just wanna go from the presentations while others wanna attend for the spotter training. Or atleast I hope that my theory will prove to be true otherwise it's going to be a little crowded.