Just got back...
Just got back from spending a full day at the Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium held today in Lincoln NE. It was an interesting day overall and I really enjoyed it. Lots of things to see, lots of people were there.
One thing they lacked was proper planning for larger crowds. They had nearly all of the booths and exhibits in one long narrow hallway. It would have been ok if most of the people that attended stayed in the main auditorium most of the time. At times it got too crowded for people to even move!
If they had used the basketball gym for the exhibits, it would have been soo much better.
I was disappointed that the much-anticipated weather balloon launch was "scrubbed". They determined the potential landing site for the balloon was going to be too close to the Missouri River. Ker-splash!! :shock:
I did see Mike H. down there with his video stuff and I talked to him briefly. Perhaps the highlight of my day at the symposium was meeting the "Twister Sisters". :lol: After buying a DVD video from the girls, I posed for a picture with the girls. That would really make my wife jealous.
Another highlight was the presentation on Tornado Research - Putting a Data and Video Probe into the path of a Tornado by Tim Samaras from Denver, CO. His explaination of the technical aspects of his probes nearly bored me to death. But the videos he showed afterwards really lit me up and had me sitting on the edge of my seat. One video showed the main core of the tornado passing just within 50 feet of the probe. :shock:
After spending most of the afternoon attending the storm spotting class. ( I had to miss the Twisted Sisters presentation, sorry!), I was tired and ready to head for home. :cry:
I stepped out into the bright sun of a late March afternoon and I commented to a lady walking nearby, "Is it stormy yet?" :lol:
Now I can't wait for the storms to start up!! LJK.