Lanny Dean
I do not know that this might belong on a different thread but in association of the cardioid matter, I bring up the mesocyclone. That unique cloud structure has caught my attention from a point of mathematical mimicking what might be called a hyperboloid of one sheet variation. My point concerns the volume of the mesocyclone cloud in a hyperboloid of one sheet nature because that volume is
The reason I bring this up is the 1/3piabH because that is the volume of a cone and don't tornadoes assume a shape of the cone? So, one starts with that cloud shape and volume of a mesocyclone and one has only to note that when the value H^2/c^2 goes to unity, one is left with the volume
which could be interpreted as an updraft composed of right circular cylinder plus cone and note that it doesn't necessarily involve vorticity as a cause but might include it asn an effect. One can then take such a volume of a hyperboloid of one sheet and use it as a differential equation of the nature
and solve! Any takers?
I am confused now.
You clearly refered to the "open" Cardioid and gave the full, albeit incorrect equation and yet you have just given another equation for the base of vorticity?
Also, I noticed that you have not yet given a response regarding my first post. Do you intend to do so?
As far as the first cusps, in which you were no doubt referring to,
your thought process still does not explain the events I gave originally including the outbreak of 3/27/08.
Simply stated, if your thought process is correct, then the Holly Colorado tornado should have never happened. In laymens terms: this would be due to the cell being on the "wrong side" of the cusps and depending on the placement, completly out of the "circle" How would you explain this?
In looking at the same outbreak, the Bird city tornado (which many of us here were on personally) would also have been "out of phase".
In fact, after looking at some recent outbreaks this afternoon, most outbreaks do not fit your process, at least in the basic sense.
Admittedly, in most cases of very long track tornado families ie. 5/4/07,
5/3/99, 5/4/03 and 5/29/04, there does seem to be a connection with the Cardioid and placement of the next family or tornado. However, some process still can not be explained by the Cardioid, such as the anticyclonic tornado around the parent tornado or the like. The reasons are many but again, in laymens terms: this process would be well after the cusp and already ongoing before the second cusp.
The basic "right hand rule" still has to in dealing with any angular velocity. Otherwise, as stated before, you would have mass chaos.
I am sorry but I just can not agree with your thought process.
Maybe you could provide more than just an equation to help?