Texas Panhandle Winter Storm Warning (again)

I apologize for my tardiness in joining this thread, but I've been pretty busy with other things the last few days!

None of this data is "official", but here are a few things I saw/heard around here the last couple days:

Here in Los Alamos, we ended up with about 2 feet of snow. On Monday night, when I arrived home from work, there was about 6" on my deck, but about 12" had fallen already, half of it having melted as it fell due to the warm ground temps from several days of near 60 degrees previous to Monday.

About another foot of snow fell by the time the stars came out Tuesday night.

Wednesday morning's low of 6 degrees supplanted the previous record low of 14 degrees for March 16, and I guess record lows were abundant throughout NM.

NOAA radio (WXJ33 from Santa Fe) reported that at least 25 stations all around NM have reported record snowfall for the season, and Santa Fe's ski area reported 3 feet of snow from the storm at the base.

I-25 was closed from ABQ to the CO line on Tuesday, a stretch of about 230 miles.

We received a truck delivery in Santa Fe from Denver on Monday afternoon, and the driver said the truck had 5000 lbs. of ice on it. (What does a Hummer weigh? LOL)

ABQ has about 400% of its average precip for the year-to-date.

I am going skiing Saturday. :D

Here's another sat option, Jay, in case file size is ever an issue:

[url=http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/...c.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-g...United States [/url]


I have used that sat pic before and use it on the road when I only have cell connection. I only use the hi-res pic when I have fast connection like wireless because it is so big but with it you can clearly see CU fields at initiation which helps a ton when deciding between different targets.

Karen.. Glad you had a fun and safe trip. Nice pics. There is nothing like a good hard snow in the panhandle.

Jason.. Forget snow and tornado in the same month. How about the same day. Back on April 10'th 97(i think 97 or 96) amarillo got 9 inches of snow while we had a tornado in the north rim of PD canyon. I shot 2 tornadoes close to Tulia. The wx bug in the corner of the TV looked like a rainbow. Blizzard warning for Ok panhandle, Winter storm warning from amarillo-north, and tornado warnings for canyon south.
Okay, I just looked at the latest high resolution visible at the Texas panhandle. Am I just seeing things, or is all that snow already melted?! If that's the case that's pretty impressive.

Man, if I'm ever in Texas, I'm not gonna bother building a snowman! :p
Okay, I just looked at the latest high resolution visible at the Texas panhandle. Am I just seeing things, or is all that snow already melted?! If that's the case that's pretty impressive.

Man, if I'm ever in Texas, I'm not gonna bother building a snowman! :p

Joel - considering it's towards 60 degrees out there today, and considering they've had continuous sunshine since Wednesday morning, and considering it's mid-March with a very strong sun this far south......I'd think it's a fairly safe assumption to make that there's hardly any snow left.

Not any wonder - considering we're as good as in spring now. Down here, the winter only lasts for about three months maximum.
