Tablet Suggestion

I would maybe consider a Kindle Fire HD (8" or 10"). It runs android and operates via wifi. And its cheap.

Personally I run a LG gPad 8.3 I got for free when I bought a phone 4 years ago, and a first gen iPad that still works but cant run radarscope anymore, just use it for maps and web.

My advice, go cheap and see how things run. Upgrade as you need it. No need to go full on top of the line stuff right away.
I prefer android products, but I was gifted an iPad a couple years ago that I use for mainly displaying radar while chasing. It works just fine for that purpose.

There's probably not a best answer. Most tablets will be sufficient for chasing, so it's going to come down to a balance of expense, size, and what you like. You may not want something too large depending on your vehicle and how you want to mount it or use it. If you use it just for chasing, internal storage most likely isn't going to be a concern. I also suggest a tablet that has an interface that's easy for you to use, ability to display multiple windows at once, and the ability to switch between apps quickly if needed.