Stormtrack Elections 2011 Q1 Q2

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Dec 4, 2003
It's that time of year to decide who the elected moderators ("representatives") will be for January through June of 2011. If you're interested, toss your name in the hat here. You'll have until 1/1/11 (EDIT: changed to January 3) to do so, and then we'll run a poll. Current moderators may participate if they'd like to be considered for another term. There will be either 3 or 4 openings.

I did not select any appointed moderators ("senators") last summer, but this was partly due to time constraints during our move and us going into the doldrums of chase season. After New Years there will be an opportunity to volunteer for an appointed position.

I, too, would love to have a hand in keeping ST the best weather forum around! I've tried my hardest to keep quality in this forum from threads about the strongest tornado of 2010 to doing numerous chase cases to promote learning in the off-season. My goal isn't to be a dictator or someone who doesn't show up. After my amazing year of storm chasing in 2010, nothing would be better to me than being able to moderate an amazing forum such as this one.
It might be a long shot, but I'd like to throw my name in the hat for consideration. I'm certainly not the most known person around here but I think I could do a pretty good job. I think I've got a pretty open/neutral mind and have been a mostly drama free member.:) Anyway, I'd like to be considered...
I put some thought into this over the last few days and I would like to give it another whirl (i.e. throw my name into the hat).
Is there anyway to do multiple voting? I was thinking about this a little bit. Skip has proved to be a great moderator his last term so he would definitely get my vote (even though I am running.) But there are others that I would love to give my vote too as well. Is there a way where everyone can vote for their best four? So that everyone gets 4 different votes and can match up their best choice for the on-season MODs? Instead of there being 173 votes from 173 different people we may get a more consensus winner with 692 votes from 173 people. There is nothing necessarily wrong with one vote per 8 candidates but I thought I would just throw that out there....
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I'll probably be sitting this one out as I concentrate on my business. However, I do like/prefer the idea of voting for the available positions amongst the group versus a single vote. Same as a typical local counsel government vote would occur. If there are three openings, you vote for the three you want out of the pool of the many.

I will add, I'm pretty pleased with the current while I know this is for elected folks, I'm just saying for sake of I may forget later...I would certainly be OK with ANY of the current mods/staff return as an appointed position as well. This vote likely will mean I vote for the incumbents...which the past 1/2 decade is pretty rare (speaking of political voting there).
It's January 2 but I'll leave this open for the remainder of the weekend and through Monday (the first day not bookended by the holidays and holiday weekends) in case any stragglers are coming in from traveling or wherever. So we'll close this out on the evening of January 3 when this thread goes locked.

Good idea on the multiple choice vote... we can give that a try as long as the software allows it.

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