STORMTRACK 1977-1987 now online

Man, this is making me really wish I hadn't thrown out my old issues of Stormtrack that my dad subscribed me to when I was a kid, almost 20 years ago.
Wow, what great memories!

I still have the paper copies, but haven't viewed them in several years. I was pleased to find the Sept/Nov 1982 mentions Dave Hoadley gave to my fumbling early efforts, and to the two funnels that were sighted by my daughter (one complete with one of his priceless illustrations).

I'm going to have to find the Funnel Funny that showed (IIRC) a speaker pointing to a large photo of a large wedge with the caption "This is not virga." Always wanted a t-shirt with that emblazoned on the front...

Thanks to any and all who labored to get this online.
Great work Tim. Looking at these old issues brings back some great memories. Its hard to believe its been 25 years since that famous May 19th 1982 Pampa tornado event. That was when I really first learned about cyclic supercells. It is really nice to see some of the old names are still active to this day. Dave Hoadley's art work is priceless.
Thanks Tim, I started recieving storm track mag during its last few years. It's awesome to be able to go back and see what I've missed. Thank you as well to all the chasers who contributed to the magzine as well.

Has there been any talk about possibley re-starting ST?. I know it was discontinued for some reason, but can't quite recall exactly why.

If anyone has any imput I'd appreciate it.

Has there been any talk about possibley re-starting ST?. I know it was discontinued for some reason, but can't quite recall exactly why.

It was discontinued because up until about 1996, a paper magazine was the only way for the community to share material. It was an absolutely vital link. This was turned upside down by the Internet, which made it possible to share a far greater amount of material in a more timely manner with less effort. Not surprisingly, the number of paper subscribers dwindled every year after about 1997 and never recovered.

A paper Stormtrack is not feasible and neither David, Tim M, or myself plan to resurrect it.
