I know Mike and I know of Jim, they are experienced chasers and I'm absolutely certain that they both knew exactly what they were getting into. They chose to do it anyway - so what? I really don't know why people are accusing them of malfeasance. These guys are basically journalists, and what they did was no different than an embedded reporter in Iraq choosing to follow troops into battle. They know it's dangerous, they know the situation is possibly life-threatening, but it's where they want to be. If they survive, they come back with unique documentation of a historical event of great significance. Getting into the path of major hurricanes is what guys like Mike and Jim do, and it seems to me they do it quite well.
Oh yeah, and they love storms. Come on, does anyone really think that the motivation here is money? They are not going to get rich off of this, and anything they do make will probably just get plowed right back into their stormchasing efforts. The argument that they are using up needed resources is ludicrous given the magnitude of the event. Cut them some slack - they went in where most of us would not have chosen to go, and they came back safe and sound to tell about it, carrying some no-doubt spectacular footage. This is the United States, people here can and do chose to do life-threatening things every day, for a variety of reasons. As far as I'm concerned Mike and Jim should be congratulated, not demonized.