Storm Chasing And Relationships

That's a really good way of putting it Susan! I just find that most of the time I remain courteous to women like that and not allow them into my lives because they generally want to pick you apart and criticize. Sometimes even that is difficult because some of them you have to accept in your life, especially when it comes to family members. The best way to handle women like that is usually to have a one-on-one direct talk with them, let them know where you stand and that you will not put up with less. But with some people, you will never be able to do anything right anyway so what's the point in trying to prove anything to them??
Multiple personality

In regards to my post on "not allowing them into my lives" - sorry I forgot to inform everyone about my other personalities.... just kidding, boy was that a typo on my part!![/quote]
Niiice.. Thats a great way to word it Susan.

For me I have my female friends whom I have had since I was a teenager and male friends. 90% of my friends are guys. I agree though women can be catty especially when a guy comes into the picture. I have been betrayed by more women in my lifetime than men so I guess when it comes to making new women friends I always have my guard up and trust has to be earned. I suppose thats pretty sad but its true. Its not that I am not comfortable with myself or anything its just a once bitten twice shy thing. I have alot of male friends who are like brothers to me, they are very protective and always supportive of me. My ex was really jealous so I had to give up alot of my guy friends once him and I got serious. Since then any guy I have dated has to accept my friends male or female or he's gone. Some friendships are just not replaceable nor worth a dime a dozen relationship.

I absolutely agree with you there. I went through giving up alot of friends with my ex, male and female because he was very jealous of any time I spent with anyone else. He wanted all my attention focused on him and taking care of him. Even after I got a puppy, he constantly made rude comments about how I treated my puppy like a baby since I have no children. Alex is still with me and I treasure every moment I have with her - she's such a good dog. I will defend my friends in a heartbeat but at the same time, no friend of mine will dare to cause a problem with my relationship or they absolutely will be out of there as well.

Some interesting post and thanks for this thread Chris.

Being in Australia, it is basically far more difficult to find women who know about storm chasing let alone understand what it is all about. Extensive media coverage of storms and storm chasers have at least helped in that regards this year.

Often relationships will end up failures when the other side does not accept nor understand the requirements of storm chasing. I personally think it is a waste of time being in a relationship with anyone who does not at least understand the needs of storm chasing. On the same token, I will not want to put them through it.

Having said that, I am still looking around for a storm chaseress :wink: In the meanwhile, I chase freely:)


Jimmy Deguara