Jason Clark
Your presentation was the highlight of the con for me. If I see you this spring, dinner is on me.
Luck favors the prepared
Luck favors the prepared
I see that you are no longer working for Mayo Clinic. I notice that you have mayo.edu email on your contact page. Do you still have working mayo.edu email?
To my friends here: life is fickle and fleeting--we all need to take advantage to live life to its fullest at every opportunity. This spring, instead of storm chasing, I need to pursue issues with my own health which will keep me away from chasing and from the hotline for the next few months. I'll barrel ahead with gusto and hope. I hope you'll understand that I am not in a place where I feel comfortable sharing this information publically for now. Should you need the hotline, leave a message. I promise that when I return I'll answer the call. But expect a bit of an electronic blackout so that I can focus for now. Until 2014, I'll wish you all many a rain-free base...
Jason is a great guy, certainly if I get malaria I will get a second opinion from him before following a local doctors advice to drink more coconut
Sent from Bangladesh