Storm chaser involved in fatal accident

Saw a pretty bad wreck on the way into work the other day and made me think about this, Matt, and that elderly couple. Did a web search and have come up empty on an update. Has anyone who's close to Matt heard anything on the latest?
I did a search and I could not find any charges filed or any court dates set. Hopefully that's good news, but I know these things can take months or even years to sort out, especially if they decide to go to a grand jury. And they probably won't contact Matt until they decide to file charges or start the grand jury proceedings. This period of not knowing is the worst.

Here is the public records site. The county to search is Kandiyohi.
This event may have little to nothing to do with storm chasing, or distracted driving. It may just be how he learned to drive. It's common practice among rural Nebraskans (and other residents of nearby states) to run stop signs if you don't see a car coming on either side of the road. Not to say that it's right, but most, and I emphasize, MOST, rural drivers that I know do not stop at stop signs, they just go right through like nothing is there. As a city-boy (Omaha?) and storm chaser I make sure to stop at every sign, and I even slow down at intersections where I don't have to stop. Several friends of friends have been killed because of the "Nebraskans don't stop at stop signs" issue, and it's a cultural issue that needs to be addressed.

"Most rural drivers that I know do not stop at stop signs"....Aww c'mon Royce, that's quite a stretch. I'm a native Nebraskan and spent summers back in the late 60's / early 70's with a buck wild insane teen cousin in Boone County who was a bit older than me who'd just gotten his license. He drove like a maniac. Now I was wild, but his driving even terrified me...although it seemed exciting at the time....sorta. I remember literally going 80 mph plus up and down those hilly gravel farm roads in a 4,000 lb. all-steel and iron '64 Ford Galaxie with no seat belts in the car and if there'd been a tractor just on the other side of those hills, we'd all have been dead. If I one day make it to see St. Peter, I'll most certainly get an a-- chewing. Sure, some young kids drive like fools out there, but the adults....I don't see them running stop signs and I've rarely ever lived in town...always in the country. Especially when the corn gets really tall and you can't see what's coming towards those 4-way stops, you bet people stop. If they didn't, you'd be reading about these horrific accidents in each issue of the paper. You're making it sound like it's a fool's paradise on the roads in rural Nebraska, and I feel you're painting a picture that just isn't quite so.
You've got a point, Joel, not all Nebraskans are speed crazed maniacs who ignore traffic signs. But there are a lot of them, and we do have several horrific stories every year of people being killed due to failure to stop at intersections in rural areas. A couple of rural intersections outside of Omaha have had multiple deaths at the same spot, even. (The local media rarely talks about these issues for more than 24 hours, however, then people forget about it) I think the only saving grace to the drivers in this state is that there are so few people actually on those roads, relative to the size of the state, that we miss each other 99.9% of the time, or that most major intersections are in the middle of a small town where people are more likely to stop.
but I know these things can take months or even years to sort out,
I was involved in a fatal accident in 2009 which took about 3 years to settle, which was considered quick, probably because I was not at fault. That was the insurance company part. As for the legal part, I never heard from the police again following the initial contact the day of the accident. I hope it works out OK for Matt, but whether he is at fault or not, I know it won't ever really be over for him.
It is important to stop at stop signs no matter what. When i was 14 I was driving home from school and I slid through a stop sign and totaled my car. Let's just say I will always stop at every stop sign
Darn! I forgot to say why I didn't see the stop sign! It was covered by over-hanging trees. Obscured until it's too late. Sooo many intersections are like this around chase country. Dear locals, hop out and cut them off please?! Lest your county be in a liability suit. :P
I didn't see this when it was first discussed but reading the comments, reading the article, and looking at the intersection, nobody discussed the most obvious probable contributing factor.. He was traveling westbound at 9pm, when the sun would be just at the horizon, and it's entirely possible that both the stop sign and the other vehicle were lost in the glare. Aside from what the family is requesting I'd say a "Stop Ahead" sign at the crest of that little hill would be helpful too.

Anyone know what the outcome was?
That's an awful lot to read into ;) No idea what sort of cloud cover was in place - I'm sure if it was a sun glare issue that would have been noted in the accident report.
Sun would not have been an issue when and where the accident happened due to the ongoing weather at the time. I haven't heard anything about what has happened since besides some court cases still ongoing as of a couple months ago.
Thanks for the update John. After reading that, it makes me wonder how things will end up. To only have a misdemeanor charge seems like perhaps he wasn't distracted and maybe made a mistake? Will definitely be interested to see the outcome.
The stop sign is right at the intersection and with the history of other wrecks I think he may be ok in the criminal but I do not know about the civil part.

All in all a sad situation for all involved.