I've been waiting a few days to post my thoughts on this thread. I wanted to wait for people's emotions to die down a little because I didn't want to get bombarded by dislikes for my thoughts.
Three storm chasers are dead. And it wasn't an accident.
One of the comments mentioned counting 4 stop signs that the driver blew through. To me, that is not a mistake as many have alluded to. That is a deliberate disregard for the law. Kelley Williamson was a criminal. You can't sugar coat it, or feel sorry for the guy. He deliberately broke the law by blowing through stop signs at 70+ mph. It was just a matter of time before one of those intersections wasn't empty, and he killed someone. He was playing Russian Roulette with a 5,000 lb SUV.
Shame on The Weather Channel for continuing to contract and air this guy. In my mind, TWC was complacent in the deaths of three storm chasers. They knew this illegal activity was taking place, and they encouraged it by continuing to contract with Mr. Williamson.
Had Kelley Williamson survived, he would have been charged with 2 counts of manslaughter or vehicular homicide, 4 counts of failing to stop at a stop sign, wreckless driving, and whole slew of other charges. He would have spent the rest of his life in jail. And he should have! He was a criminal, willing to commit murder by driving his vehicle in a grossly negligent manner.
I don't see this as an accident at all. I view this as a murder-suicide. Because that's what it was.
I feel deeply sorry for the families of Randall Yarnall and Corbin Jaeger, who were murdered by this criminal.
No storm is worth murdering someone over. Obey the law. Stop at stop signs. Stop at red lights. Drive the speed limit. Drive on your side of the road. Don't drive distracted. Pull over if you need to look at radar. Make the road and traffic laws your focus. Because if you don't - you could end up killing someone. And you'll have to live with that for the rest of your life.