I'll try to keep this brief... I'm not trying to boast that I have more assorted interests in storm chasing than anyone else, but I do have a lot. Lectures, consulting, media interviews, fielding email inquiries, tours, sponsors, advertisers, EMS operations, photography / journalism and more. I have mentioned before about some of the issues I've had over the course of the last eight years. I've been cursed out by EMS at disasters who mistook me for someone else, law enforcement is not as friendly as before, I've lost a mass of income because sponsors and commercial interests see through the bogus chaser(s) and don't want to take PR risks, I've had countless people talk to me about the issue at lectures, etc. In addition, we have all seen what happens now in the media whenever something chase-related goes wrong, from a photographer posting a picture of a dead child, TWC using a tragedy to promote themselves, chasers making all kinds of misleading claims, police issues with chasers and the list goes on. I've been around long enough to see the trends change. I prey this chaser is not put in jail, but the legal system will determine the outcome. Storm chasing is now under the microscope and the media attention is moving up the ladder into the main stream. Take cover now, a $hitnado is coming!