Steve Forbes attacks NWS and jumps on Santorum Bandwagon

Jun 9, 2004
The first part of this article I've heard before (and the USPS analogy is stupid---the USPS is FOR PROFIT), but one of the last paragraphs is complete trash.
Another example of the NWS' ineffectiveness took place during the 2004 hurricane season. As Senator Santorum ruefully observed, "As Hurricane Charley hit southern Florida, the United States' most sophisticated research aircraft for collecting data on hurricanes, two P-3 Orions, were nowhere near the eye of the storm. Instead they were studying monsoon effects in Mexico and air pollution in New Hampshire. Had the hurricane-hunter planes studied the path of the storm, NWS could have helped to prevent the upheaval of many Floridians from their homes and assisted the millions of Floridians impacted by the uncertainty of the path of a dangerous and deadly hurricane."

Maybe Rick Santorum should pull his head out of his ass and learn something about the P-3s and the world of research. The major thing being: THEY ARE REASEARCH AIRCRAFT. In fact, he can read about them (and how they are meant for more than just hurricanes) here: (yes I know it's a hurricane hunter page :roll: ) That means that they can't be everywhere at once. Hey, what about the C-130s--we have those don't we?? It's like the SMART-Rs, if they are scheduled for another project they can't go record hurricane landfalls. Further, I highly doubt flights into any hurricane could help alot with motion, unless as the flight is occuring the thing bombs out (which is a small chance of occuring). You know, if the private weather industry really wants to make their case, they should stop just making crap up. They cry about how "NWS propoganda" makes their services out to be just repackaging of data, yet can't even make an argument other than the government shouldn't be making products that they (NWS) can already make.
My favorite part is how he blames the NWS for the tsunami disaster. Jesus Christ, didn't this guy try to run for president in 96? You think he would know a little bit about things like that, but I guess all that money blocks his ears.
Santorum is a religious nutcase! I can't believe he got elected with his history of bizarre statements and extreme right-wing stance. He even wants to prohibit birth control. Who knows what other crazy theocratic ideas he's got.
The whole thing is bizarre. Who would have ever thought that the best route for Accu-Weather to attack the NWS would be from within the government, after having found willing political protection and sponsorship? The new ST rules prohibit some other ideas I have about this, but I think Nixon's admonition to "follow the money" when trying to understand political mysteries is useful here.
Santorum is a religious nutcase! I can't believe he got elected with his history of bizarre statements and extreme right-wing stance. He even wants to prohibit birth control. Who knows what other crazy theocratic ideas he's got.


I dont like Santorum as much as anyone on here but to come on here spouting off comments like that is out of place. Especially since we aren't supposed to debate politics.

I'm a registered Republican and consider my self very conservative, but even I know that Santorum is a friggin idiot.
He's just upset because he hasn't made it into his own top 400 list!