tom hanlon
SE Ohio got hit pretty hard with torrential rainfall from Frances and Ivan. Many rivers reached floodstage or above, most are receeding now.
The usual places got flooded as they usually do. The news crews went out to the same places they go to get a shot of a canoe or boat in a flooded street.
Not to make light of anyone's tragedy but I can't help but wonder why anyone is surprised by these occurances. Get out of the 100 year floodplain if you want to stay dry. 4"/day rain events do happen, they will happen in your lifetime. A lot of folks are poor around here so were they live is not really a matter of choice but society as a whole should begin to realize that rivers flood. And when they do it is probability not a "disaster" . The last big flood FEMA did come in and buy out a lot of flooded/destroyed homes to prevent people from rebuilding. Temporary activity, farmland, parkland in the floodplain makes sense. Permanent activity does not.
Same goes for Hurricanes and the coast. Been to the outer banks lately ? That is one huge gamble, a billion dollar bet on the odds of hurricane whoever NOT coming there way. And everyone on this website knows that it is just a matter of time.
Just wishing that folks were able to do a little bit of long term planning but I guess that is asking too much.
The usual places got flooded as they usually do. The news crews went out to the same places they go to get a shot of a canoe or boat in a flooded street.
Not to make light of anyone's tragedy but I can't help but wonder why anyone is surprised by these occurances. Get out of the 100 year floodplain if you want to stay dry. 4"/day rain events do happen, they will happen in your lifetime. A lot of folks are poor around here so were they live is not really a matter of choice but society as a whole should begin to realize that rivers flood. And when they do it is probability not a "disaster" . The last big flood FEMA did come in and buy out a lot of flooded/destroyed homes to prevent people from rebuilding. Temporary activity, farmland, parkland in the floodplain makes sense. Permanent activity does not.
Same goes for Hurricanes and the coast. Been to the outer banks lately ? That is one huge gamble, a billion dollar bet on the odds of hurricane whoever NOT coming there way. And everyone on this website knows that it is just a matter of time.
Just wishing that folks were able to do a little bit of long term planning but I guess that is asking too much.