Should make a state by state list of open and closed Skywarn repeaters for reference. If one has already been created and updated, post the link and delete this comment.
Thanks for all of the repeater updates. I'll get these new repeaters in there as soon as possible. We did manage to get the site loading faster, but I'm much further behind from where I wanted to be by this time. Hoping to have some big updates done by the end of March.
Right now, I'm having trouble with Google Map's API limitations in relation to KML files. I'm in the process of converting our KML files to Fusion Tables. Then I have some updates to do with the location of WFOs. Once those are done, I'll do an update on the Repeater Sites.
Thank you all for your patience as I get the bugs worked out. I know there is a lot of interest in this site, and development is ongoing, although low priority due to family, business, and job responsibilities. Hope you understand.
That would be great! There is a thread in the Equipment section titled "HamChaser Alpha Testing". Can you please review the Repeaters guidelines there and post your updates there?f you would like, I will compile a list of ACTIVE Skywarn frequencies that hold nets during severe weather.