SPC Restless?


Feb 3, 2005
Shawnee, OK
Apr- 4-2005 0800 UTC Day 2 Convective Outlook
Updated: Mon Apr 4 04:56:09 UTC 2005
I have seen the SPC put out their outlooks 30 minutes early often, but never have I seen a product come out 3 hours early. Is this common, or ar they getting really anctious about the upcoming event?
Apr- 4-2005 0800 UTC Day 2 Convective Outlook
Updated: Mon Apr 4 04:56:09 UTC 2005
I have seen the SPC put out their outlooks 30 minutes early often, but never have I seen a product come out 3 hours early. Is this common, or ar they getting really anctious about the upcoming event?

LOL, they've been ahead of schedule for the past few weeks (for the most part) with the first Day 1 and Day 2 outlooks. In fact, there was a time last week when the Day 2 was issued before the Day 1... I'm not entirely sure why they are ahead of the deadlines, but I can't help but think it's a case where the added time wouldn't really enhance the outlook much. For example, if you've examined the 0z runs to death, and looked at all the buoy data that you can, etc, I'm not sure there's much that's going to change between 6z and 8z... So, I think that they just figure to put the Day 2 out ahead of time... Maybe they're breaking with the mold of being 30-60 minutes late with the 6z Day 1 outlooks on the "big" chase days, when just about every chaser is waiting restlessly by their computer for the first glimpse of SPC reasoning.
Whatever the reason is, I like it. 8)
Yea...I can't say that I mind either. However, as May gets closer and closer, you can bet they will get later and later. Were used to it, we'll get over it. 8)