Robert Edmonds
This would be a far more entertaining thread if the tour involved was one that's not held in high regard. It wouldn't change a single fact about what happened, but reaction would be must-read stuff.
It would take the miracle of all miracles for me to ever be hit by a tornado while chasing, because I control my situation out there through my decision making. To be impacted directly by a tornado- satellite or main - requires a very deliberate set of decisions that set up the circumstance within which being struck by a tornado is possible. I sure hope if it ever happens to me, the "community" is as forgiving as it has been with others. However, I somehow doubt that would be the case.
There are some chasers who can do no wrong... Usually after an accident you reflect and consider what should be done differently in the future. All I've read is it was an accident, un-forseeable. As mentioned it is curious how the 'best' chasers out there keep getting hit by tornadoes. Yet the ones we squabble about are those a few miles out. I really hope someone like Skip will do an analysis of this accident.