Rainbow Chaser of all Rainbow Chasers....

Dec 10, 2003
Great Plains
And I'm not even joking.



Perhaps the best display of raw emotion over an atmospheric display I have ever seen. Or something was in his drink. I'm honestly not sure - but euphoria in this case is an understatement.

If anything, proves that the type, variety, and emotion of all different forms of Weather Chasers is more than I first had considered. I'd personally like to chase with this guy just to see how the chase would go...

I wonder how he'd react to a roll cloud. :)
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I think he was the guy that starred on that sit com "Get a Life" a few years back.

My wife couldn't see the monitor when I played the video and she asked me what the guy was carrying on about. When I said it was over seeing a rainbow she was like, I thought maybe he saw an F5!
I'd personally like to chase with this guy just to see how the chase would go...

I'm not sure how it would go, but I have an idea of how it would end....sitting in the county jail because he was cruising across state lines with a pound of weed in the trunk. :p
I wonder if his car looks something like this...

That is hilarious! I've had my share of stormgasms before, especially on the June 10th Deer Trail tornado. But it ain't nowhere close to this guy's. A "rainbowgasm"? Indeed. I was expecting to see the camera tilt over and hit the ground as he fainted.
I doubt it, looking at the other videos on his youtube page! I imagine this is somewhat of a religous experience for the guy. Probably sees rainbows as a sign from God. That sort of thing is a lot less uncommon over the other side of the pond. I'm just glad these rainbows are bringing him happiness and not telling him to go out murdering people or something :P
Well since that guy just wasted 1 GB or so of server space, I think I'll do likewise (wasting much less space, however) simply by posting this.