RadarScope 1.6

LOL at Darrin picking up on the same thing.....97% of Americans...yeah. when they live in populated areas. Screw the farmers and rural Americans...they don't make $100,000 anyway and won't buy Apples products anyway, so why bother with them anyway.

Thanks guys for the heads up on the spot to get info on the update from.
Don't worry about me, I'm just mad because nobody is bothering to develop a good radar app for a device I thought would be the next big thing :rolleyes:

You must not be reading all the threads on this forum then. Patience! I'm pretty sure Radar Scope was not available to iPhone users as soon as those first phones hit the market. Android is still new...give it time.
On a phone made by the biggest a-holes in the tech industry for a network whose commercials take pride in only covering people and not area, honestly - what use is this to anyone chasing or spotting in any area short of right off an interstate?

I bought a used iPhone with no contact and have it connect to my Verizon hotspot for internet access. Problem solved :D
This thread is proof positive that 99% storm chasers can never be happy. It's sad really.
1.6 gives us wonderful additions and, unless you are a dummy, enough info to chase with if you are void of your full techno chase set-up for some reason.
Finally I can just grab my phone on my way out the door from work (for local chases). I must say after picking up the iphone 4 I am thoroughly impressed with the improved reception (despite all the hoopla regarding the death grip). I know on may 10th in eastern Oklahoma my verizon card (on amp) lost all reception and my AT&T blackberry was functioning and tethered to my laptop when I needed it most. Irony I suppose. Don't get me wrong I love my verizon modem but I won't knock AT&T too hard after that experience :D

Awesome work.
This thread is proof positive that 99% storm chasers can never be happy. It's sad really.
1.6 gives us wonderful additions and, unless you are a dummy, enough info to chase with if you are void of your full techno chase set-up for some reason.

The only feature I require is the ability to print money. Am I asking for too much?
You wouldn't really need an iPhone to do this then, just an iPod Touch with wifi.

You're absolutely right. I got a good deal on mine - it has 32GB and GPS for not much more than a new Touch. I think I can also call 911 if I ever needed to, in the event that my normal cell phone wasn't accessible.
This thread is proof positive that 99% storm chasers can never be happy. It's sad really.
1.6 gives us wonderful additions and, unless you are a dummy, enough info to chase with if you are void of your full techno chase set-up for some reason.

LOL I'm just mad 'cuz there's no good app for Androids. :p

You bet I have angst about AT&T - Jason nailed it. Until I ditched them for Verizon, I'd say (easily!) that AT&T was no-barred more often than not while in the field in general.

No complaints about this app in and of itself at all ... and I would pay $50 for it on the Android system if it meant not having to haul around a laptop. Seriously, other than not having an AC in my car it's the worst part of chasing as far as materials go.
You wouldn't really need an iPhone to do this then, just an iPod Touch with wifi. Does RS1.6 run on the Touch?

This might be a good idea if I could tether my droid to one. Data cards are just a little too much money, especially with the contracts going over non-chase parts of the year.
I agree AT&T sucks bigtime. That Apple / ATT agreement must have been iron-clad for both sides.
This might be a good idea if I could tether my droid to one. Data cards are just a little too much money, especially with the contracts going over non-chase parts of the year.

You might want to look into one of the broadband card rental services online. I did that for May of this year, it was like $160 That beats the hell out of getting locked into $60/mo for 2 years like you would signing up for one new with Verizon. Then you're not stuck paying for a data card in January.

Back on topic, I am digging the new update to RadarScope. Warning polys was something that was desperately needed. Now if only you could submit a report through SN on RadarScope using voice commands! :p
Don't know what the fuss is about...

But, I have been with ATT for quite some time, and I have their data card (Contract Free BTW...). I only have a simple Cell phone ant. plugged into the data card, and can't recall at any point that I was "No-Barred". Granted, my chase area covers W.TX panhandle to Central KS to OK/TX border. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones...But, I couldn't be happier with their service.

Just my two cents...
YES! They have heard the masses! The addition of TOR FFW and SVR has made this an app worth the money....and then some! Yes, there is a bunch of neat info out there that could be included....but how much more do we believe we can expect for $10?