Tyler Allison
Why...is that a new version of RadarScope I see?
TOR/SVR/FFW are now supported...thanks to AllisonHouse.
TOR/SVR/FFW are now supported...thanks to AllisonHouse.
Why...is that a new version of RadarScope I see?
TOR/SVR/FFW are now supported...thanks to AllisonHouse.
Storm tracks aren't needed since it loops, I'd love to see lightning and then it's the killer chasing app...
Any official source?
Any official source? Would like to tweet/blog about it, but I need something official to tie to it. They never seem to update their press page:
Last update was March 2009!!! Doh!
what use is this to anyone chasing or spotting in any area short of right off an interstate?
Come chase here - maybe that's one good thing about Michigan chasing I've never been in a no-signal area, even well off expressways. Clearly 3G isn't widespread outside of the city, but you don't need that to have radar updates.
On a phone made by the biggest a-holes in the tech industry for a network whose commercials take pride in only covering people and not area, honestly - what use is this to anyone chasing or spotting in any area short of right off an interstate?
It's too bad that they've expressed no interest in porting this to the Android medium and realizing the large, untapped market this would provide, because reprogramming would be "too difficult" and "not worth it," lol.
Don't worry about me, I'm just mad because nobody is bothering to develop a good radar app for a device I thought would be the next big thing
Tyler, is there any way that I dont know about, or that is in the works, to report to your SN account through the iPhone? Ive tried it through the website, but it was very time consuming. I often submit when chasing with a partner, however a iPhone app or support through RadarScope would be handy for solo chases