Radar Captures of 5/12 South Plains TX Supercell...

Feb 8, 2004
Detroit, MI
Does anybody have any radar grabs from the 12-May South Plains, TX storm? I'd like some for my website, and any help would be greatly appreciated...
I have a whole bunch that I saved from the KLBB site. I have over 70 frames which I can send seperately or as a loop.

Edit: The forum's email template doesn't appear to allow for file attachments. Could you send me a PM with your email address?

Edit 2: Here's what the loop looks like:


All frames in that loop can be send as seperate images if you like.
There were several in the county further south, Crosby County, later that evening. Two of which were rated F2 and F3. Anyone got those nice radar images of that one?
Originally posted by David Drummond
There were several in the county further south, Crosby County, later that evening. Two of which were rated F2 and F3. Anyone got those nice radar images of that one?

I know guys I know well...that day I was in Kansas because of PC troubles...It could be interesting to know wich of those supercells produced the F3 tornado.
Originally posted by Andrea Griffa+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Andrea Griffa)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-David Drummond
There were several in the county further south, Crosby County, later that evening. Two of which were rated F2 and F3. Anyone got those nice radar images of that one?

I know guys I know well...that day I was in Kansas because of PC troubles...It could be interesting to know wich of those supercells produced the F3 tornado.[/b]

Again, it was the lone supercell in Crosby County removed from the cluster further north that produced both an F2 and an F3 as well as a couple others that weren't rated.
Originally posted by David Drummond+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David Drummond)</div>
Originally posted by Andrea Griffa@
<!--QuoteBegin-David Drummond

There were several in the county further south, Crosby County, later that evening. Two of which were rated F2 and F3. Anyone got those nice radar images of that one?

I know guys I know well...that day I was in Kansas because of PC troubles...It could be interesting to know wich of those supercells produced the F3 tornado.

Again, it was the lone supercell in Crosby County removed from the cluster further north that produced both an F2 and an F3 as well as a couple others that weren't rated.[/b]

I understand, david: I really didn't know where Crosby county was..But just now I checked out the map and I found it :wink:
It looks pretty good: strong hook echo from the radar.
I am hoping someone :wink: will post one or two (base and velocity) of those nice smoothed radar images on here. I am especially interested to see the radial velocity at about the time all three of the tornadoes (the main two and the satellite one) were on the ground at the same time. Maybe Greg can pull on of those high level ones he gets up there? :wink:
Thanks Kevin, Nick is not the only one that wanted to see the radar from that storm. It is the first time I have seen any radar images since about ten minutes before the tornado formed. Didn't need radar after we crossed the canyon because everything fell right in front of us. Didn't exactly have a chance to look at radar during or after since I was running like hell!! I see why it was so hard to escape the hail now that cell sure went from classic to HP in a hurry.
This next picture from GRLevel3 was taken as the second tornado was shaping up. Notice the meso signatures seemingly spiraling into the hook:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/Firelance235/Storm pics/Ralls-after.png

Thanks for the GR3 images. I have to disagree with the assessment of that one though, as the ground truth showed something different. Both of the big tornadoes (Tornadoes 2 and 4) on this storm happened SOUTH of that east/west hwy. #2 was rated F3 and dissipated before it got to the highway. #4 was rated F2 and dissipated on the NW side of Ralls, just across the HWY.

For clarity, #1 happened back toward Ransom Canyon and #3 was the satellite to #4 which I am trying to find in some radar data Greg sent me and I will eventually post. It was there, we all saw it and taped it, I just wanted to see it on radar too. :wink:
Thanks. Maybe within a few years, I may be able to see some ground truth rather than playing "Armchair Chaser" while waiting for stuff in Michigan to pick up :).