Prediction: Arizona Monsoon Season Start Date

A non-soon dry thunderstorm blew through near downtown Phoenix this afternoon. Knocked out the power to the whole neighborhood with maybe 50 mph gusts and cooled things off to around 105 :roll: . Dews still in the 40s. There's a chance of a technical monsoon start the end of the week before the moisture gets swept out again. Wouldn't count on Emily's remains helping much. They have to pass over something like 1000 miles of Sierra Madre on the way to AZ.
I had lightning on Saturday night to work with - out on the NE side at McDowell Mountain Park. That was decent. There was a night mountain bike race going on so I had access to a vantage point that is normally not available to me after sunset.

Sunday night there was a little lightning about but the main attraction was a huge wildfire in the Four Peaks wilderness. All I can say is wow -when those flames roared up those ridges, visible from the Ballentine trailhead/Hwy 87.

Actually, the few lightning strikes about were kind of a concern for me while shooting the fire.

Southeast Arizona blazed up in another way - with a massive thunderstorm complex in the afternoon.

Either today or tomorrow, I think the NWS will declare Monsoon On! I think this will be Day 3 of Td > 55 in lower elevations, but I don't know how they account for local variation.

Now to see if Emily will be in town this weekend as advertised... looks like chase time is finally here.
Tucson has been blasted two nights running, and barely missed getting drenched earlier in the week. Forget the silly DPs, I'd say that S. Az, at least, is "there."

Storms rapidly building over the Rincons ATM. More action tonight, I'll bet.

well here in Bryce Canyon UTah we finally got covered up with some clouds and early morning thunder....rumor has it Emily will send some moisture this way but I have my doubts ...this has to be the dryest place on earth right now
Good Luck to all in southern AZas it looks favorable for you guys now!