Poor Media Use of Weather Terminology

Sep 5 NHC tropical wx outlook showed 5 suspect areas, all low or no prob of developing (first attachment),

And then we see this statement from a major media outlet (second attachment).

Not sure how 5 areas of largely next-to-nothing for TC potential is 'busy.' It is actually the exact opposite of 'busy,' esp, given it is climo most active time of the year currently and given all the hyperactive forecasts.


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Amen, bro ! I noticed it, too. Broadcast meteorologists, YouTubers, news media, please don't strain yourselves with such tropical busy-ness ! šŸ¤£ How will they ever manage! So, it becomes about emotion, hype, money, agenda, and at the end of the day, most people don't really care about it as much as they care about tennis shoes for their kids and how not to blow the food budget for the next week or month ! There's that.
One more. I noticed a popular media & forecasting outlet apply what I might call misplaced pride of being first... in the form of spin.
They said something dubious to the effect..."We're the 1st to lower our seasonal forecast....and by 5 hurricanes." Uh....congratulations?! ? šŸ˜‚
I don't think you get bragging rites for that: Lowering your total by 20-25 percent during the first week of September.
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Amen, bro ! I noticed it, too. Broadcast meteorologists, YouTubers, news media, please don't strain yourselves with such tropical busy-ness ! šŸ¤£ How will they ever manage! So, it becomes about emotion, hype, money, agenda, and at the end of the day, most people don't really care about it as much as they care about tennis shoes for their kids and how not to blow the food budget for the next week or month ! There's that.
I think what may be happening is that everyone was counting on hyperactive TC forecasts for incredible ratings/view/hits/likes, and took that to the bank prematurely. Well, you can't rely on wx always for continuous high ratings. It's going to go quiet at times, and some forecasts not work out.

We have been so used to active hurricane seasons in the Atlantic in recent years, some can't grasp that it can be this quiet. We are now in year 30 of this active cycle in the Atlantic. Such active cycles are typically 25-40 years, so a cycle down period is likely coming soon, similar to what occurred 1970-1994.