Pictures on Tornado Attack Website

On June 12th 2004 we successfully entered a live Tornado in Kansas.
Details to come - click here for photos

Maybe the "eye" photos are being developed yet?

[Broken External Image]:

I know....the camera it was shot with was sucked out of his hands and he's running to find the camera.

[Broken External Image]:
"Pictures, I was supposed to take pictures from inside?"
Oh, yeah. Nice photos. :lol:

My 10 year old son said, after seeing pics of their vehicle, "I hope that guy changes his mind about that.....that's really kind of stupid." :wink:
Lots of vehcile pictures and pics of a tornado they DIDN'T get into........pretty much what I figured. The Tornado Attack project was 100% HYPE. Funny how it's been 2 months since Timmer and the gang hopped on board and yet their info still isn't up. Might as wel take the link down now, that TA craze has come and gone.

Now Steve Green can get back to not winning races.
That is kinda scary.. It does look like the ultimate chase vehicle though.. just dont know that I would always be punching with it..Hell you dont know youhit the wrong tornado until your there and its too late.. lol

Has anyone showed them pictures of Halem Nebraska?? i f not I have some pics of vehicles when a supposed F3 leveled the square and main street of Stockton missouri on may 4th of 2003..

Whats funny to me though is the Chaser community chastises and castigates the tornado attack project.. Im learning alot and enjoying it.. :)
Originally posted by fplowman
Whats funny to me though is the Chaser community chastises and castigates the tornado attack project.. Im learning alot and enjoying it.. :)

You'd expect us to support the idea of driving into a tornado?

And what exactly are you learning from this to be an idiot? Why don't you ride along with him and try it yourself. You're gonna LOVE that feeling of total weightlessness just before you lift off the ground....what a rush. Except we came right back down, you guys might end up in Oz.

Not really getting that post,
Dude/. i didnt say i wanted to ride with him.. reread my post.. i said Im learning alot. i didnt mean from them I meant from reading here..

Why not a tank though.. I bet you could drive through most any tornado in a tank.. lol.. I can appreciate the idea as a rush.. lol :D
Why not a tank though.. I bet you could drive through most any tornado in a tank.. lol.. I can appreciate the idea as a rush.. lol :D

Because it's near-impossible to maneuver quickly and efficiently, two attributes which are a must for any close-in tornado intercept. Also, add to that the fact that you'd most-likely have another Steve Green piloting the damned thing, which means the guy in control of it would have no clue about forecasting or chasing tornadoes.

Oh, and finally - an F4 or greater tornado doesn't care if it's a tank, or a train, or a semi. You really should do some reading.....
Better hope for some smooth paved roads with that thing. It's so low-riding, it looks like it would bottom out on a speed bump.

Which raises an interesting question- is this thing even "street legal?" Where is it registered, in what state did it pass inspection?

(Probably New Mexico, they'll register any piece of rust so long as there is a wheel on it somewhere.)

Why are you trying to argue to argue.??. i have only been here a few days and its the second attack while just trying to be part of the conversation... Hell.. David Drummond drove through a tornado and has the video..How many here core punch?? How often do you see an f4 or f5?? who the hell would drive into that? why would you insinuate im stupid? driving a tank would be the safet vehicle i could think of.. It isnt practical and was just said in jest..

I think Ill just keep my mouth shut from now on as I feel there are people here that know it all and that i cant say shit without a hateful correction... :wink:
I think Ill just keep my mouth shut from now on as I feel there are people here that know it all and that i cant say shit without a hateful correction...

Well, there's a lot of people and a lot of personalities here. Sometimes you just gotta let it go. I know that's hard because I had an overreaction the other day about some comments made about one of my posts. Totally my fault because I failed to consider the full context. Life goes on.

Besides, Shane's not a bad guy. Like Animal Mother in "Full Metal Jacket", he's just needs someone to lob hand granades at him the rest of his life. :)


Attention everyone:

Flame wars and disrespect against other users is not tolerated on Stormtrack. We are trying to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio. If this continues, the parties involved will be suspended without further warning. If anyone has anything bad to say about Tornado Attack, that's fine, but keep the focus on their field strategy rather than falling back on character issues.
Sorry i got involved.. it wasnt my intent.. Im new here and want no trouble..this website has been a great resource for education. in addition it has allowed me to be succesful in intercepting storms where without this outlet i might still be chasing without success..
Whats funny to me though is the Chaser community chastises and castigates the tornado attack project.. Im learning alot and enjoying it.. :)

I can easily see how that comment could be taken "wrongly". I thought pretty much the same thing Shane did when I read it. You yourself said this was funny to you, then add you were learning alot...(with the smile). So us giving the project our honest opinion by "attacking the attack" was funny to you....then you say you are learning a lot with a smile I personally took as a snide smile. There are many attacks on forums, one can expect that with differences in opinions and reading things the wrong way. Certainly you can understand how we could take what you wrote wrongly...try to read it other then how you meant it. I can now read it as you intended it though. It first came across smart assy, but I can read it otherwise now. So I wouldn't get too stirred up over anything Shane said in return. He read it wrong like I did, I think. You just thought it was funny we give him crap as he is sort of one of us. Just like it reads. Even as it stands like that, I would of said something similar to Shane...which really wasn't attacking you back. I read it like this. I thought it was more like, we give him crap even though we are out there doing stuff somewhat similar, putting ourselves in danger. I thought you said it like "where do we get off". Again, I see how it was meant now.

Anyway, a belated welcome Fred. There ARE alot of wise asses that come across the wx groups. I'm one of them from time to time. I just fully understand the angle shane took your post from. I likely would of spouted out something similar in reply taking what you wrote the wrong way. Sometimes there are so many attacks, we read everything a bit too negatively, as if they are possibly stabs at us. And judging by the only portion he quoted from you I think that is what happened. That was the only part that stuck out to me.

Niki writes:

Shane is probably just jealous because he isn't a part of the Tornado Attack project.
Most people here welcome new people to the message board and don't argue about stupid things just to be an ass.

Now THAT is funny and to be laughed at.

Welcome to the party Todd!!!


Funny I see Shane welcoming someone and no signs of Niki...... :)

Mike....posting to be an ass in this case......