Number of Posts???

I've a tendency to stay out of the meteorological discussions for the most part, so most of my posts will always find their home in the bar and grill section. I do tend to get a little chatty at times, but I couldn't care less about number of posts.

I do pay attention to the more meteorological sections of the board...but I'll leave most of the posting in these areas to others.

Sorry if my new comments have offended anybody:)

Originally posted by rdewey
I agree with Michael Gribble. Would it be possible to put the ratio's up, or have some sort of rating system? I'd have no problem with that.

I agree - this seems like it would allow for some headway to be made against widespread frivolous postings.
If we're going by ratios, I'll probably be banned then. Lately there's been squat that's interested me weather-wise, so almost all of my posting has been in the bar and grill section. I think the deal is, we're a large community, and some people are bound to be bored, annoyed, or uninterested in others' posts. My advice is just deal with it.

Let's be honest...Nick Grillo has been posting on this thread about members who are posting "dramatically" yet he himself sits atop the top 5 in posts on StormTrack. He managed to get another half dozen in on this thread alone, a thread about not posting so much useless stuff. I don't care, but this is a great example of the pot calling the kettle black, which is what this entire thread seems to be "boiling" down to IMO.

Post whatever you want, I don't care. But don't post about other people posting too much.
Originally posted by Sam Sagnella
rdewey wrote:
I agree with Michael Gribble. Would it be possible to put the ratio's up, or have some sort of rating system? I'd have no problem with that.

I agree - this seems like it would allow for some headway to be made against widespread frivolous postings.

I hate to say it, but I think that's a really bad idea. It smacks of elitism.

As far as the mods decision is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. I've been a member of ST for quite a while now, and somehow, only managed to post ~350 times. It's not that I don't read the forum; on the contrary, I read it quite often. It's just that, I don't feel the need to chime in on every single topic that pops up that is even remotely interesting. I suppose, to some degree, that it is a matter of time. But then again, there is some stuff that just plain doesn't interest me.

Quality vs quantity, you ask?

Who cares?


Eliitsts!! High-browed ari-storm-crats! I'm shocked and appalled by the rampant nose-lifting! I'm going to stop (or start) buying (or not buying) all your DVDs, t-shirts, posters, pens, inflatable dolls, Hurricane Gilbert pics from Nebraska, and whatever else you sell (or fail to offer for sale).

How dare anybody lift a finger to try and improve the forum. Shame!

Amos "quitting ST (or rejoining)" Magliocco
Originally posted by Sam Sagnella+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sam Sagnella)</div>
I agree with Michael Gribble. Would it be possible to put the ratio's up, or have some sort of rating system? I'd have no problem with that.

I agree - this seems like it would allow for some headway to be made against widespread frivolous postings.[/b]

hey :idea: and then well we could kick out the lowest score from ST each month and uh then well you see we could have it to just the high quality posters .... Yea thats the ticket :roll:
This thread has officially spun out of control. (I don't care if this struck anyone as 'unneccesary')
Yes it has Shane. I never expected to see 3 pages of comments after I made my two. What is done is done, obviously the moderators think it's a wise choice, so let it be.
Why can't we all just get along? Seriously, bros... Let's all go play some o dat funky music with the big George C, and go roll down the street on 24's with the big Snoop Dogg. Perhaps, let's all go chase Hurricane Katrina in central Nebraska and western Iowa, in brand new Mercedes' and Mustang GTs.

No more GC avatars - let's all change our avatars of the storms we catch. Hopefully, this time I could do that without ticking off some weird people who like to make threads on how useless I am, or how much I have to learn, or how much I will fail.

Yes, that post was useful :lol:

Back to something worthy, I guess...
Originally posted by Amos Magliocco
How dare anybody lift a finger to try and improve the forum. Shame!

It sounds like you are referring to my post, so I'd like to respond (if you were not, I apologize in advance). I don't have any problems with improving the forum, but I'm uncertain that creating some sort of "rate the post" system will help matters at all. On paper, it seems like a great idea since posters that everyone agrees are posting worthless stuff will become pariahs in short order. However, what will happen when personal vendettas enter the equation? Will obviously quality posts be relegated to the "useless" category simply because of personal bias? I don't know, but it could happen if such a system were implemented.

I'm all for new ideas, but this just happens to be one I would recommend scratching off the list.

To sum it up...

1) I don't think the post count should have been removed
2) I don't think people were competing for post counts
3) My George Clinton avatar is here to stay
4) If you don't like it, then tough
5) For those who didn't like the post count - no one forced you to look at it
6) I will attempt to shut my mouth on this topic, but it probably won't happen

I'm pretty sure the "banning crazy-hair avatars" thing was a joke. Don't worry; nothing is wrong with your avatar :)

Thanks to all of you for your input; however, the board will remain as-is.[/quote]
I liked the post count simply because, like Shane, I like stats. However, I'm certainly not going to cry now that it's gone. Perhaps a very acceptable solution would be for each member's post count to be visible to that member while they are logged in.

For those who want to keep up with other members, the post count is always available by searching the memberlist.

I'm number 86 on the total posts, but I like a different stat better . . . I was the 184th member to join out of 1080 members so far. So there. :)

(By the way, Gabe, Amos was being sarcastic but he forgot to insert his <sarcasm> tag)

Me and the fourth beer were being extremely sarcastic. Sorry it didn't translate. I had nobody in mind when I posted that other than myself and my own self-amusement.

In other news... thundersnow with 60+kt gusts at Monarch Pass, CO.

Now THAT'S why I read a weather forum :!: And I'm NOT being sarcastic! :lol:

We spent a good part of last night reading the heavy snow warnings, winter storm warnings and winter storm watch texts from areas such as our beloved Black Hills in SD. Deadwood in 9" of That would be absolutely beautiful. Time to update that "things I must do this winter" list......


BTW whatever the mods do to help the board is absolutely nothing to do with me. I'll keep posting for my own amusement and that's that.

Me and the fourth beer were being extremely sarcastic. Sorry it didn't translate. I had nobody in mind when I posted that other than myself and my own self-amusement.

[annoying one-line response] LOL. No worries! [/annoying one-line response]


In case you're wondering why rdewey's post is suddenly missing, it's because I was trying to quote his post in a reply and I accidentally hit "edit" instead of "quote", and didn't realize it until after I hit "submit". I feel really bad about not having been more careful; nothing about his post violated any of Stormtrack's TOS. I just wanted to make that clear and to also apologize to everyone for this mistake. I'm still not used to the "edit" button being next to everyone's posts on the board, but from now on I will be much more careful when I am quoting others' posts.

Robert, I'm very sorry and I hope you will continue to contribute your ideas to this thread despite my slip-up.

In case you're wondering why rdewey's post is suddenly missing, it's because I was trying to quote his post in a reply and I accidentally hit "edit" instead of "quote", and didn't realize it until after I hit "submit". I feel really bad about not having been more careful; nothing about his post violated any of Stormtrack's TOS. I just wanted to make that clear and to also apologize to everyone for this mistake. I'm still not used to the "edit" button being next to everyone's posts on the board, but from now on I will be much more careful when I am quoting others' posts.

Robert, I'm very sorry and I hope you will continue to contribute your ideas to this thread despite my slip-up.

LOL, I've done that over 100x. It takes some getting use to.

No worries. 8)
My one and only worthless post (IMO..others may disagree):

I simply don't understand the wild color hair guy on a few avatars, and...

Aaron Kennedy...that walking hotdog avatar looks good enough to eat.

I forgot my lunch.

It's called the George Clinton epidemic, lol. No wonder you want to eat Aaron's hotdog man, your hungry! I seriously need to hear some of GC's music....all of these avatars over the past few months have increased my interest...
Post #322 ....77th place. I'm going to catch up with you Gabe!

Where are y'all finding all these stats at?
This will inform other posters who don't know either and are afraid to ask, so this IS an informative post. :wink:

I had no idea that post counts were gone, until this thread popped up.
Guess it just isn't pertinent to my stopping by here. But I also analyze stats, I am a sucker for trivial things. :lol: