Next Generation Chaser

Apr 23, 2005
My love of weather came from my fathers fear of storms. He experienced a violent tornado on June 27, 1945. This made him fear storms and this subsequently was passed on to me. I overcame that fear with facination for weather and began chasing as a result. Now as I was going through footage of 2005, I ran across this tape that I forgot about until now. My son was 5 yrs old at the time and his second storm chase. His first was with me during the Granville/Utica tornado and that one he always talks about with his friends or whomever wants to listen. I know he has caught the bug and I often wonder "what did I start". He will be driving thousands of miles on endless journeys to pursue that passion. I'm glad I get to experience it with him.

Jerry Funfsinn
Love it

Ahh, what a treasure. No fear whatsoever, just intrigue and curiosity. The eyes of a storm chase from the view of a 5-year old. No doubt he may grow up to be the next Dr. Howie Bluestein ;)

Thanks so much for sharing.