New TV Show: "Tornado Hunters" airing on Christmas

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Let the children play Shane :rolleyes:

Come April none of this will matter because you and I will be out there chasing that elusive beast again.

I actually find it quite amusing to watch all this. Beats watching reruns on tv. You can learn more about a person by their posts than you think. You can get a sense of their values/morals/ethics/ along with intelligence (or lack there of in some cases), language skills, and overall maturity and reasoning skills.

Mmmmm Yes. Sticking up for people being "stoned" by "chasers" thats only experience with them are through what they see on you tube as per Andrew Kahn's statements. It is posts like these that add fuel to fire and are completely uncalled for if said person is not involved. Just to post senselessly on a post completely unrelated to them and to stir the pot shows a "sense of their values/morals/ethics/ along with intelligence (or lack there of in some cases), language skills, and overall maturity and reasoning skills."

***Completely un-necessary*** I thought attacking others personal integrity was forbidden and human character was forbidden....true or not. I am glad Martin and the rest of mods are taking care of it. If my posts are going to get taken down for defending an unfair fight then 50% of the others sure as hell better be taken down.
I thought attacking others personal integrity was forbidden and human character was forbidden
That actually only applies to CFDG members. The rest of us can deal with it on our own.
It's odd to me why this show is being crapped on without being seen

i agree with shane...

im sure it cant be any worse then that show they just had on discovery about the TIV...

if it is, then i dont even know...

ive heard these dudes are all crazy, and whatnot...but hey!

might be something to watch...
3. Conduct. Stormtrack is not a venue for "free speech". Hostile or derisive language against a specific user is prohibited, whether expressed or implied. This constitutes a serious breach of our community standards, and will often result in suspension or expulsion. When debating, be civil at all times and attack the point, not the person. If you are attacked, desist and notify a moderator -- all participants in a flame war are subject to administrative action.

A lot of accusations and he said/she said crap going on in this thread. While some and/or all of it may or may not be true on any given parties part, in the end it really serves no healthy purpose for storm chasing in general, and this forum specifically.

Being that in the end, it should not have to be the job of the staff to play jury as to what is true and what is not true about any one/group of individuals, this ends now on the public forum. If you guys want to beat each other over the head in PMs and private emails, have at it.

Any further posts about this that are attacking the supposed character of the individuals involved (regardless of whether it is true or not) will be met with a 3 day suspension from the forum.
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