New TV Show: "Tornado Hunters" airing on Christmas

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My preference collectively, is calm non-disrespectful comments towards nature, which of course includes, cursing during the process of filming weather related events; and the obvious fact of gloating. Jealousy of course works as Mr. Hollingshead pointed out, but it does not work for me. I could never be jealous of something like this, only disgusted. "Son of a ***** all kinds of debris"........

A personal encounter is indeed an opinion, and this opinion can be so skewed, and lacking judgment that there is never any fact involved in it. There will never be fact, unless you are the person, and even then it is skewed.

Another side, another story.
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My preference collectively, is calm non-disrespectful comments towards nature, which of course includes, cursing during the process of filming weather related events; and the obvious fact of gloating. Jealousy of course works as Mr. Hollingshead pointed out, but it does not work for me. I could never me jealous of something like this, only disgusted. "Son of a ***** all kinds of debris"........

A personal encounter is indeed an opinion, and this opinion can be so skewed, and lacking judgment that there is never any fact involved in it. There will never be fact, unless you are the person, and even then it is skewed. Another side, another story.

It is kind of childish to hold grudges on people for their personal reactions to destruction in a situation I am sure one may have never experienced......

Just by their personal statements about being perceived by others states that they are not the type of people to break down in tears and say "omg omg tragedy!" Basically you are attacking their own personality and personal conduct and like Jim mentioned....I thought such was forbidden here. Mikey had a bad personal encounter, Dick had a good one... I would take their "skewed, non factual personal encounter." Over your "they are horrible people, because they don't break out a tissue over destruction" opinion...I am disgusted at the unwillingness to be open-minded.

Very simply put....if you like rainbows and bunny rabbits.....don't watch videos of tornadoes and their destruction, not all physical nature and human nature is pleasant and peaceful. If you don't like it don't watch it. It is like those people on youtube that post "a certain band sucks...." well if they suck why would you click on their video??!?!?!"
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A personal encounter is indeed an opinion, and this opinion can be so skewed, and lacking judgment that there is never any fact involved in it. There will never be fact, unless you are the person, and even then it is skewed.

What are you talking about? If you were in my philosophy 101 class I would write FAIL on your grade card.

If you are saying that you watching a 5 minute video on youtube lets you have more of a personal opinion about a person than someone who has actually dealt with them in person I think you need to think again.
Hey I like tornadoes:(:p:o:confused::eek:

Let the children play Shane :rolleyes:

Come April none of this will matter because you and I will be out there chasing that elusive beast again.

I actually find it quite amusing to watch all this. Beats watching reruns on tv. You can learn more about a person by their posts than you think. You can get a sense of their values/morals/ethics/ along with intelligence (or lack there of in some cases), language skills, and overall maturity and reasoning skills.
Interesting observation here but Lanny Dean and Mikey Gribble both spotted many times for two different competing television stations in Wichita the last few years.... I personally respect both men's accomplishments and wish we could do more to bring spotters working together then have this public criticism and bashing going on.. Lanny has since moved to Tulsa and I wish this could be viewed as water under the bridge.

here's my problem. here is why Randy gives out a "who the f*ck cares" attitude. he has tried to form relationships with many chasers, and more than half couldnt look past the fact that he is a "hillbilly." he will straight up tell you that he is a hick. he doesnt care. its who he is, thats something you cant change and shouldnt want to change. he's a good guy with a burning passion for tornadoes. i dont know lanny as well as i know randy, but i have talked to him a few times, and i've heard of his greensburg experiences. its all good to me.

my point is if you dont have a personal reason to dislike them, pull your head out. its petty high-school clique BS. Andrew Khan, have you ever seen a tornado? have you ever seen raw destruction up close and personal? its not a "wow thats beautiful" moment. get over it. they get close, they scream, they cuss, but most importantly, they have a hell of a time.
If you gotta yack about the "haters" and how you don't care, I guess it says to me "it" at least gets to you a bit. There are lots out there who get just as close and don't give a second thought to what others think, let alone have to yack about being such chaser community victims. When I see it so trophied around it just raises flags to me.

After finally watching the youtube clip, I have to agree with H's assessment there. I actually enjoyed the tornado footage and then suddenly there's the outlaw guys on there just taking the defensive from the start. I smiled when Randy immediately calls the rest of us a-holes, LOL. I was like "what did I do?" They definitely have the "angry rebel/misunderstood/victim" market niche carved for themselves, but in the end it'll be the tornado video that speaks for them. If all that footage shown is theirs, they seem to have enough stuff to make all the posturing legit.

Some of the clips seem "normal" while others look like they're trying to kill themselves, which kinda makes me think they just chase like everyone else and take whatever the storm gives them. You can't get close to every tornado, and the only difference with the ones you can get close to are some chasers stop and others keep going. There's no science to it. I think if they just didn't talk I'd really like them, because the footage seems to show a guy(s) who are truly passionate about chasing. But then they do all that "rebel" crap and it kinda ruins it for me. Impossible to tell if it's really them or if it's just for the cameras, but I'd wager the latter.

Randy looks like he'd be fun to drink a beer with, if he could get past not caring what I thought of his beer choice.
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JUst talked to Randy on the phone....Him and Lisa are in SE Arkansas...Waiting on a broken line of storms...He hunts'em 24/7/365...Sometimes like all the rest of us it's via the TV or computer, but he hunt'em just the same...He may not see anything but rain...He may not take one minute of video this time...but who knows....Passion dosen't follow lifestyle, intellect or economic class....Passion follows the heart...One thing you can say about Randy is that he is passonate about the weather...
and more than half couldnt look past the fact that he is a "hillbilly." he will straight up tell you that he is a hick.

Could be the case, don't know. I know plenty of hillbillies so to me that wouldn't even be an issue. It seems that a lot of what I'm reading as for why people don't like him is because of his attitude and his lack of respect or care.
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Would any of the moderaters like to explain why they are letting these personal attacks on Randy and Lanny happen about every other post. I thought there was rules about personal attacks. This is not the place to bring personal issues to the forefront. What happened to the days we talked about chasing without somebody getting flamed.

We are dealing with it now. I have away for a day myself.

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