New TV Show: "Tornado Hunters" airing on Christmas

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I dare say they would help you, if you inadvertently had any difficulties with your vehicle. They absolutely have no regard for human life, none in the Youtube video they drive right through an area flattened to the ground by the tornado they were on. They make the decision, to either stick with the tornado, or help the people...they choose to stick with the tornado.
I met someone with an Outlaw shirt on south of Greensburg. I let them use my cell phone so they could call into the tv station while we tried to figure out what to do with the power lines. I had no problems with either ones attitude or actions , in fact it was because one of them didn't give up on cutting the power lines with a hacksaw that we got the highway cleared.
I dare say they would help you, if you inadvertently had any difficulties with your vehicle. They absolutely have no regard for human life, none in the Youtube video they drive right through an area flattened to the ground by the tornado they were on. They make the decision, to either stick with the tornado, or help the people...they choose to stick with the tornado.

While you were chasing shelf clouds in your backyard in Tennessee, these guys were cutting powerlines with hacksaws trying to get through south of Greensburg on May 4th (like David mentions). Lanny was also reporting live for KAKE in Wichita, pleading for people to take cover and mentioned that Greensburg was in the path of the tornado. I think if they thought anyone needed help in that youtube video, they would have stopped, some of those houses weren't damaged too badly from what I can tell.

Lanny was in Greensburg for a very long time that night, and it still affects him to this day. So for judging a 5 minute preview on youtube, I wouldn't assume they have no regard for human life, because I know just the exact opposite is true.

I have seen the highlights for the show on CourtTv, and from what I can tell, all of that footage is theirs, which is more than the other 2 shows currently airing can say.
I'm looking forward to this show more than any other storm chaser show in the last couple years. Love or hate these guys you can't deny the fact that they get some sweet video, and it certainly appears that they have a good time, to me that’s what's chasing is all about, enjoying yourself while practicing some form of professionalism, though I also like to build friendships through chasing, something they have obviously placed on the backburner, though that’s their choice (and perhaps if approached by chasers without a pre-determined opinion they would be friendly). I'm not saying these guys are good for chasing, I have no experience running into or seeing them on a chase, so my opinion of them is based on what I hear from others and what I see from their video. It sounds like many chasers despise of them, I don't know if its justified or not, while they may be ignorant a******* that should be hated on its tough for me to know for sure, as often it seems many chasers hate on other chasers who get the up close intense video out of jealousy for the attention they get, rather or not that is the case here, I guess I don't know, maybe some stories other than I just don't like the guys (or something above and beyond an occasion where they blocked the road) would help shape my opinion, but as of now based on their video and their apparent love for chasing they seem like nothing more than a couple redneck chasers out enjoying themselves, more power to them.
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Well maybe it's some sweet video. But I can't see how it can help. People who are not that into storm chasers might not be able to know the diffrence between Outlaw chasers and other chasers.
Seems to me to give us all a black eye...... Just my not as experienced as you guys opinion.
But I can't see how it can help. People who are not that into storm chasers might not be able to know the diffrence between Outlaw chasers and other chasers.
Seems to me to give us all a black eye

Interesting question but considering that we haven't even seen the show yet its tough to determine for sure how they will be portrayed. Even if they are portrayed in a manner showing negative chaser behavior, it will be a shame but its like anything else in life, you can't control the actions of others, I doubt one show on one group of chasers will influence the publics opinions that much, and if it does the only thing you can do, is try that much harder yourself to practice ethical chasing.
It sounds like many chasers despise of them, I don't know if its justified or not,

You're exactly right about that Dustin. Too many people make judgements about what they have heard from others. Lanny and Randy have been nothing but nice to me in the time that I have known them. They are just like any other chasers on here or elsewhere with a deep passion for severe weather and chasing. Many people's views on the Outlaws would be totally turned around 180 degrees if they gave them a chance instead of listening to political BS.

I know from experience because I too was made a skeptic by people writing essays and wishing death on them but have since realized the kind of people that they are and now consider them to be my friends.
For those that know me, they know what kind of a person I am, what weather means to me and what my true passions are.

Hey Lanny,

I only talked with you two or three times on the phone but I think I know what kind of a person you are. Did you ever get NGTV to give you proper credit and compensation for "your" Mulvane/Hiawatha tornado footage? When we talked last you mentioned that one of your Mulvane pictures was in the Smithsonian Magazine. I tried searching for it but only found one Mulvane picture. Am I missing something? Where can I find your picture of the Mulvane tornado that is in the Smithsonian magazine?

Best wishes,
All I will say is: with even the slightest hint of success also comes jealousy.

This may be a true cause of a small portion of "issues" one may encounter, but I'd bet 90% or more is for other reasons not at all related to jealously. But jealousy is the simplest excuse there is, and it "works".

Seems there's just always more to it than simple jealousy. I found the preview video and hoopla rather obnoxious(though I loved the footage itself and couldn't care less if someone gets close and yells while doing it). I don't understand what's so hard about truly not caring and just getting crazy footage. If you gotta yack about the "haters" and how you don't care, I guess it says to me "it" at least gets to you a bit. There are lots out there who get just as close and don't give a second thought to what others think, let alone have to yack about being such chaser community victims. When I see it so trophied around it just raises flags to me.

Well maybe it's some sweet video. But I can't see how it can help. People who are not that into storm chasers might not be able to know the diffrence between Outlaw chasers and other chasers.
Seems to me to give us all a black eye...... Just my not as experienced as you guys opinion.

Like they say on their video(to add an angle/story in their case).......who cares what the public thinks? That's the #1 most annoying topic to me now, worrying about what other chasers do and what others wind up thinking about you for it. It truly makes no sense to me.
It seems to me that all this personal hostile bantering lowers the integrity of Stormtrack, and would be best held in private e-mails between the parties involved.
I don't mind the way the "Outlaw Chasers" chase. I think it's great that they try to get close. Up close footage is definitely what grabs my attentinon and it is the kind of video I try to shoot myself. I know Scott likes to get pretty close too, so it's not like we are taking issue with their chasing style. My opinion on chasing styles is to each his own. If it makes you happy then go for it. I'm not too concerned about what the public thinks about chasers in general. Most people already think we're nuts for what we do. I doubt some up close tornado video is going to further the reputation that chasers already have.
While you were chasing shelf clouds in your backyard in Tennessee, these guys were cutting powerlines with hacksaws trying to get through south of Greensburg on May 4th (like David mentions). Lanny was also reporting live for KAKE in Wichita, pleading for people to take cover and mentioned that Greensburg was in the path of the tornado. I think if they thought anyone needed help in that youtube video, they would have stopped, some of those houses weren't damaged too badly from what I can tell.

Lanny was in Greensburg for a very long time that night, and it still affects him to this day. So for judging a 5 minute preview on youtube, I wouldn't assume they have no regard for human life, because I know just the exact opposite is true.

I have seen the highlights for the show on CourtTv, and from what I can tell, all of that footage is theirs, which is more than the other 2 shows currently airing can say.

That is just your opinion.
Ok maybe I'm mistaking Outlaw Chasers, with the ones that break a lot of laws and/ or drive through peoples property ect ect. "Yahoo" might be the name??? I don't remember.
That is just your opinion.

It is his opinion from a PERSONAL experience......what's your's based on? Hearsay? A 5 minute youtube clip?

(Not directed at anyone in particular below)

90% of you are making them sound like complete garbage without ever dealing with them personally.I know I haven't and will not form an opinion until I do. Other than the few accounts I have heard about (Mikey, Jay and gang) it just seems like people hate their style and attitudes......"Yahoo's, personal conduct, etc" Isn't this what Doswell was just preaching about that so many of you flamed him for? Although there have been no death threats/wishes....yet. It is like people try to police other peoples methods and ways just because they find it unacceptable.....thats weak if you let a couple of chasers who may or may not be a little extreme feel like the whole storm chasing realm is tainted. So what....until they/me/you/anyone kills someone from being reckless chasing.....then I could care less about public perception......a lot of people hate police officers....does that make them all bad? They(police) still go out to risk their own lives to better ours.....and to SOME extent the majority of storm chasers do to. Just by the one point Dick made about them calling into KAKE disproves any argument about caring about human life.
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Would any of the moderaters like to explain why they are letting these personal attacks on Randy and Lanny happen about every other post. I thought there was rules about personal attacks. This is not the place to bring personal issues to the forefront. What happened to the days we talked about chasing without somebody getting flamed.
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