New TV Show: "Tornado Hunters" airing on Christmas

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Mar 18, 2004
Lawrence, KS

Randy Hicks and Lanny Dean formed a renegade gang of storm chasers called "the Outlaw Chasers". Using present and past-tense footage, we'll learn the story of the Chasers and follow them in their quest to fulfill their dream: filming inside a tornado.

Randy and Lanny's show "Tornado Hunters" will premiere on Christmas night (December 25th) at 9p.m. central on Court TV. This series will feature their best footage from past chases, combined into an interesting show featuring the personalities of the Outlaws and their adventures.

I know they are both very excited about it as they have worked towards getting this show for a long time and I'm sure that it won't disappoint those who check out the premiere on Christmas night.
I really hope it's a good show....Lanny and Randy had some good stuff including some Greensburg Video...CourtTv on Christmas night...Good luck guys!!!
Episode 1: We're the Outlaw Chasers, we don't give a dam about what anyone thinks about us. We are going to do whatever we want and if you don't like it then FU. What do you think about that? bla bla bla...
Been real interested to see what kind of reactions this post would bring. It's odd to me why this show is being crapped on without being seen while everyone just peed themselves over the TS thing, with staged fights and other manufactured drama that did nothing to represent what chasing really is.

Tell me, why is one ok and the other not? Is it really just about the name attached?
I have very good reason not to like Lanny and to not want to watch his show. It is literally the one storm chaser that I've ever had a serious problem with. It sounds like I'm not the only one too. I just have no interest in watching the guys show. I did watch the TIV show and some what enjoyed it. The over done drama annoyed me a bit though. The main reasons I watched the TIV show was because I have a lot of respect for Wurman, I was interested to see the storms I was on too, and I think Sean can be a funny guy and I respect his dedication. Now on this show I have no respect for Lanny so I don't really care about what he has to say or what he has done. Me not wanting to watch this show has nothing to do with the name, it has everything to do with what the guy has done in the past (which I'm not getting in to).
May-22-07 along I-70 on the way to the Hill City supercell we stopped and helped the “outlaw chasersâ€￾ . It was very strange, one of the people in our group helped them out gave them some tools to use and what not. The guy that loaned them the tools walked back to one of the cars with the rest of us to go over radar data. Then all of the sudden we herd the “outlaw chasersâ€￾ floor it and drive off.

No thanks or anything the just dropped the tools and took off...

Very strange to say the least.

I will most likely tivo the show and check it out who know. I’m not one to judge a book by its cover.
Thanks for the replies from those who have posted regarding this upcoming show. It's quite clear to me now why some folks are not watching this show, and it has little or nothing to do with the show itself.
Commercials for the show have been running on CNN, TNT and CourtTV all day....I saw 4 during 1 hour of "COPS" on CourtTV...I hope that it's as good as the commercials...
Just the beginning of what I suspect will be many chaser shows from the Former Court TV as they make the transition to the new more exciting True TV. I'm sure I'll be busy enough during Christmas that making sure to catch a TV program will be on the back burner, though I'm anxious to catch it on what I'm guessing will be one of several replays they have.
May-22-07 along I-70 on the way to the Hill City supercell we stopped and helped the “outlaw chasers” . It was very strange, one of the people in our group helped them out gave them some tools to use and what not. The guy that loaned them the tools walked back to one of the cars with the rest of us to go over radar data. Then all of the sudden we herd the “outlaw chasers” floor it and drive off.

No thanks or anything the just dropped the tools and took off...

Very strange to say the least.

I will most likely tivo the show and check it out who know. I’m not one to judge a book by its cover.

Were those the outlaws or the redneck chasers? :p
I remember that day, I think it was Brett Adair (or someone ridding with him) that loaned them the tools. They left so fast I didn't even notice and that was after we turned around and had to back track a mile or so to them. The only equipment for communications I or data I saw was a cb and cellphone and I had to show one of them how to read a text on it.

EDIT: No wait, that was the outlaw chasers. It was Randy and Lisa. Lisa was the one who had the text message.
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Were those the outlaws or the redneck chasers? :p
I remember that day, I think it was Brett Adair (or someone ridding with him) that loaned them the tools. They left so fast I didn't even notice and that was after we turned around and had to back track a mile or so to them. The only equipment for communications I or data I saw was a cb and cellphone and I had to show one of them how to read a text on it.

It wasn't me. I actually think it may have been Jay or Chris. Not totally sure. They were quite "interesting" to say the least. I thought it was pretty screwed up how we went out of our way to turn around and help then and we didn't get a thank you, screw you, have a nice day, or anything.......they just floor it and were probably laughing at us on the road west. However, we passed them and beat them to the cell anyway. :)
well, im not sure who has done what to who but i talk to randy on a weekly basis. he's a genuine guy who deserves more respect than he has been getting. he's not the run-of-the-mill chaser/wx weenie. he's different. but give him a chance. bart, did you seriously just call them the hillbilly chasers? i thought you were classier than that. someone's different than you, so you talk ****? that pretty messed up. i've been making an ass of myself on here for about 2 1/2 years now, but that's pretty effed up. i know this show will bring mad-hate from the elitist crew on here, but thats to be expected. my point is the footage is intense, the show will be more realistic than the TIV show, and MUCH more realistic than the TS show(which had more footage shot by reed than the TS). Randy and Lanny are great guys, and excellent chasers. give them a chance.
well, im not sure who has done what to who but i talk to randy on a weekly basis. he's a genuine guy who deserves more respect than he has been getting. he's not the run-of-the-mill chaser/wx weenie. he's different. but give him a chance. bart, did you seriously just call them the hillbilly chasers? i thought you were classier than that. someone's different than you, so you talk ****? that pretty messed up. i've been making an ass of myself on here for about 2 1/2 years now, but that's pretty effed up. i know this show will bring mad-hate from the elitist crew on here, but thats to be expected. my point is the footage is intense, the show will be more realistic than the TIV show, and MUCH more realistic than the TS show(which had more footage shot by reed than the TS). Randy and Lanny are great guys, and excellent chasers. give them a chance.

My apologies if I offended anyone with my statements above, but I just didn't understand why they didn't even say "see ya". I know we were all going towards the same target area and the developing beast to the west. We all just didn't understand and were left kind of dumbfounded. A few other people are telling me that they are nice guys and I will definitely check the show out, but I just thought a thanks was appropriate for helping fix the belt.

Hopefully I can meet them sometime in the plains and maybe I will understand them better. I am hearing from a few others that Randy is a touch shy of sorts. I never saw Lanny around that day....anyway. Good footage I I'll tune in. :)
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