New SPC mesoanalysis graphics

Apr 2, 2005
Norman, OK
We've completed an upgrade to the SPC mesoanalysis pages:

The primary feature changes are:

1. Fixed sectors that now cover the entire conus
2. Option for underlays (radar, terrain, etc.)
3. Enhanced looping and a one week running archive

The new page will be in "test" mode until 15 March, when we plan to remove the old links.

If you have any comments or suggestions, you can send them to me, or go through the spc web site
( )

Rich T.
This is awesome, I especially enjoy the large fixed sectors, should eliminate the old issue of trying to view something upstream that's not in a sector for that day...Not to mention now being able to track boundaries from the previous day, among many other things thanks to the looped archive!!!
Considering I use this page more than any during chase day I welcome the new change! I will have to check it out during the first change of severe weather.
Now this is a great upgrade! I love this new addition! It couldn't have come at a better time. Good work guys!!!
Wow! This will take some getting used to, but I think I'm going to like it immensely. I do have one comment, which I'll send you at the link you've provided.
Thank you! As a novice to severe weather (and still trying to grasp all the proper verbage and terms), the links to glossary entries and further detailed educational info, are very helpful for understanding the various data.
Fantastic! It looks great and I especially like the overlays. I am also most impressed with the option to have a printable PDF surface map as well as the VAD/Wind Profiler. The surface map will be perfect for instant hand analysis. I'm looking forward to when those two products will be operational.

Cannot wait to work with the page in the future. SPC creates some of the best and most useful weather products on the web, even though they are often labeled "experimental." All I have to say is: keep experimenting!