New Experimental Radar Product???

May I point out that the new product now includes velocity data? This is a significant enhancement, of real value to users. Sure, there's been free velocity data available elsewhere for some time, but I don't see how you can fault the NWS for this kind of genuine improvement to their radar sites.
"This is a significant enhancement, of real value to users."

To Joe Public? Absolutely not... NWS is there for the general population, not weather-weenies.
"This is a significant enhancement, of real value to users."

To Joe Public? Absolutely not... NWS is there for the general population, not weather-weenies.

Joe Public doesn't use NWS internet sites at all, hell, he rarely watches TWC.

IMO most people who use the NWS nexrad sites are savvy enough to understand and benefit from the velocity product. I stand by my statement. You were all talking about how the only thing that's really new is the topo display, and that's simply not true. The velocity product is new and extremely useful, and definitely a major improvement on the old sites.
"Joe Public doesn't use NWS internet sites at all, hell, he rarely watches TWC"

Exactly. NWS is to provide weather information to the general public, allowing the private sector to go above and beyond. The private sector already provides topo maps and velocity imagery. Yet they are being harmed by the NWS servers frequently dropping 30 minutes or more behind, like they've been consistently doing the past few days during these sevwx episodes. So instead of spending more money to compete with the private sector, and harming their product as a result, why not put that money into infrastructure and letting the weather industry handle weather-weenies?
", why not put that money into infrastructure and letting the weather industry handle weather-weenies?

because infrastructure isn't "cool"

If you take management into the data center and point at a floor full of servers and say "that's what you got for 1million" they say "so what?"

You show them a pretty picture and a rotating radar beam and they'll write you another check for 1million

That's just the way it is..not just in the NWS..but in industry.