Welcome to Kearney, Hail and High Wind Capital of the World!
Sounds like it may get interesting out in our neck of the woods tomorrow. I have a presentation to give at 3:00, but I may need to make it a QUICK one. I may come down sick immediately after finishing! :wink:
Seriously, if you are passing through Kearney, there are several great places for Wi-Fi. The Public Library has wireless. As you come over the viaduct (traveling north after leaving the interstate) the Library is the large building on the east, north of the tracks.
A couple of blocks NE of there is a great espresso shop with bakery & outdoor sitting area (called Barista's Daily Grind). Free wireless. Tip my daughter Jasmin nicely as you get your latté.
West on Highway 30 (25th Street) you'll run into the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Wireless is locked down on campus, unless you discover a rogue access point, but the Library has lots of free computers and most buildings have labs that you can just walk in and use.
North end of town next to the Office Max is Pané Bello, a great eatery (sorta like Panera Breads). They have wired network jacks AND wireless connection. If you don't want to get far off the interstate, the numerous hotels on the south end of town are spewing open wireless access. Try the Best Western, if you can't find any others.
If you are hitting Kearney and thirsty after a long chase day, try the Thunderhead Brewery downtown. They make a Dark Wheat that is to die for. Order the Thunderballs and thank me later. No wireless access, but who CARES?
Drop me a message if you will be in town. I'd love to meetcha!
Darren Addy
Jonesin' for the Kearney Chamber of Commerce
Kearney, NE