Name that date - 2009/2010 edition - #1

Jeff Duda

site owner, PhD
Staff member
Site owner
Oct 7, 2008
Denver, CO
Mods, if this doesn't belong here, please move it to a more appropriate location.

I figured I'd start this year's off-season fun and games by starting the "guess the name of the date when this was seen" game. Guess the name of the date that this radar image was obtained. (Note: I purposely translated the image from its original location to keep people from guessing it based solely off of location.)

Radar game - 2009/2010 - #2

This one may be a bit trickier, so I'll start off with a hint: there are anywhere from 3 - 6 embedded (some tornadic) supercells in this cluster.

Looks like the 4/13/06 event in northeastern IA.

Crap! Beat again. But yeah, this looks like that Iowa City event. Assuming this is correct, I was stuck at work during the event, but intercepted the main tornadic supercell as it continued on well after 2-3 a.m. I believe I finally called off the chase around 4 a.m.