Name That Date #12

I think that May 3rd '99 is a good guess but too obvious. I have to agree with Scott in the May 25, '97 date. That storm was nice! I remember a tube crossing the turnpike just north of Wellington from that cell. My first ditched vehicle.... Oh the memories! I bet Mike Smith would know for sure.
May 25, 1997 - the Dillo Cam deployment day?
That's the one. Up to the point of the radar image it had only produce a few small tornadoes, but it would later go on to spawn the massive Perth, KS wedge further east.

This dated crossed my mind, too. Not sure, though, that this kind of radar display technology was widely available back in 1991.

Good case, as many tornadic supercells have passed through this mini-alley of eastern Kingman, Harper, northern Sumner and southern Sedgwick counties over the years.
The ICT radar wasn't installed until later in '91 or in '92, I believe. So yes, radar wasn't available for this area back then. But there are some spectacular radar images of the OK supercells out there.

And thanks... yeah, there have been definitely many. 5/29/04 was more isolated, 6/12/04 was further east, 5/12/04 and 5/3/99 were more cluster-ish.