My new laptop


Im just so excited about my new laptop. I studied for about 6 - 8 months as I saved. I settled on the Fujitsu p7010 sub notebook class.

Its about 10" by 8" and weighs in at 3.3 lbs and has a 5 hr battery life. Its screen is 10.6" It is soo small it does take some getting used to. But I feel right at home after a week. I think its awesome. Im pleased with my purchase.

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Note* Fujitsu notebooks are some of the higher end notebooks on the market. I bought this one on Ebay from Fujitsu (they have a presence there) for almost half price. These books usually go for about 2200 - 2400$ decked out like mine. So if your interested in checking out their wares go there.

Usually you wont find them in regular electronic stores. You have to special order them. One exception i have heard of as far as dept stores was Fry's which we dont have here in KS.
Congrats on the new laptop. Hopefully I can save up and have one by next season.
Awesome! Having a laptop is very nice when chasing, mine is equipped with WiFi and GPS and working on getting a desk for my Expedition...

You will find millions of use for your laptop!
Originally posted by jketcham
Awesome! Having a laptop is very nice when chasing, mine is equipped with WiFi and GPS and working on getting a desk for my Expedition...

You will find millions of use for your laptop!

This one has an internal wifi card that kicks the crap out of the new orinoco card i bought. When i bought the orinoco card I thought it was going to give me improved wifi distance or strength but it didnt.

I just got a jotto desk mount from Hank Baker here off the board. he sent it to me for 209$ shipped. Same desk was 249$ on ebay. Thanks Hank! :)

No sorry Caleb this one doesnt have a touch screen .. Would be nice though.
Originally posted by fplowman+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fplowman)</div>
Awesome! Having a laptop is very nice when chasing, mine is equipped with WiFi and GPS and working on getting a desk for my Expedition...

You will find millions of use for your laptop!

This one has an internal wifi card that kicks the crap out of the new orinoco card i bought. When i bought the orinoco card I thought it was going to give me improved wifi distance or strength but it didnt.

I just got a jotto desk mount from Hank Baker here off the board. he sent it to me for 209$ shipped. Same desk was 249$ on ebay. Thanks Hank! :)

No sorry Caleb this one doesnt have a touch screen .. Would be nice though.[/b]

I like the internal WiFi's better, mine is the removable card and it gets caught up on my laptop bag so it's a real pain.

Do you like the Jotto desk? I'm actuall debating whether to get the Jotto desk made for my vehicle which will run about $307 or buy a weather station to make a mobile mesonet.. not sure what I'm gonna do yet...
I do like the desk. I will be doing a small show and tell here in a day or so.. No storms to chase I might as well take some time and take some pics of all my new crap so Ill have something ot do.. lol
Originally posted by fplowman
I do like the desk. I will be doing a small show and tell here in a day or so.. No storms to chase I might as well take some time and take some pics of all my new crap so Ill have something ot do.. lol

Definately, I would love to see some pics of your setup. I know last year I had the Mobile Airdesk for my laptop, which is ok but then it leaves you without a passenger set... much cheaper, but I think Jotto will be much better in the long run!
That's a pretty slick little notebook there. I've always liked Fujitsu notebooks, very high quality in what I've seen/heard. I'm assuming by the Centrino sticker that its running a Pentium M processor, and if so, that's awesome, those procs kick butt.

Now, if only Apple would release a PowerBook sub-notebook with a high-res widescreen display. The current 12" PowerBook is nice, but its screen is really sub-par compared to the rest of the machine.

What resolution is that thing running?

Congrats on the new notebook!
That's a pretty slick little notebook there. I've always liked Fujitsu notebooks, very high quality in what I've seen/heard. I'm assuming by the Centrino sticker that its running a Pentium M processor, and if so, that's awesome, those procs kick butt.

Now, if only Apple would release a PowerBook sub-notebook with a high-res widescreen display. The current 12" PowerBook is nice, but its screen is really sub-par compared to the rest of the machine.

What resolution is that thing running?

Congrats on the new notebook!

Thanks for the comliments Andrew. The resolution is 1280 x 768. Takes a little..... "excuse the pun" getting used to. :lol:

Its screen is a crystal view.. Its really nice.
