Measured up to 212.4km/h downslope wind gusts!

Jul 8, 2004
SW Slovenia, Europe
Hello all,

I survived and measured extreme wind gusts (CAT3/4 hurricane force winds) from the major wind event (wind called "Bora" if you want to google it) here in SW Slovenia during the last 24 hours. Numerous stations reported gusts between 140-185km/h, while one station reported the maximum wind gust of 212.4km/h (130mph) around 3am local time. Several other gusts were measured above 200km/h in those minutes.

I was there tied to the fence of the large viaduct which is well known as the most exposed location in Slovenia. Otherwise I'd be surely blown away, no doubt.

Here is the graphic overview over the measurements with the fixed weather station istalled there (its weather station DAVIS VantalePro2, I am sure many of you are familiar with it). It shows 1-minute wind gusts through 21 hour period. Average 10min wind speed was around 120km/h in the time when the maximum was recorded.

(click for full size)

Quite a widespread damage reported from large part of SW Slovenia due to these extreme wind gusts, even we're used to get strong winds (100-150km/h several times per year/winter), though this one was simply way stronger.

This is the strongest gust ever measured in our country below 500m ASL, so lowlands.

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I was there tied to the fence of the large viaduct which is well known as the most exposed location in Slovenia. Otherwise I'd be surely blown away, no doubt.

Wouldn't that hurt your body/skin if you were exposed to wind that strong? Even with sustained at ~75mph or 120km/h for a long period of time...? Either way that is absolutely wild and it is awesome you got to experience it. Any video?
