Light bars (was Chase Gear)

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Oct 10, 2005
Im getting ready to get a different vehicle and i was thinking about installing a lightbar, but i dont know what is acceptable (SIZE, COLOR, DESIGN) and i was also going to put some of those halogen flsahers in my front and rear lights. My next question is whether or not i need to designate my vehicle with decals and such to distinguish that im a stormchaser, so that people wont follow too close and possibly give me the right of way... Thoughts would be appreciated!

Im getting ready to get a different vehicle and i was thinking about installing a lightbar, but i dont know what is acceptable (SIZE, COLOR, DESIGN) and i was also going to put some of those halogen flsahers in my front and rear lights. My next question is whether or not i need to designate my vehicle with decals and such to distinguish that im a stormchaser, so that people wont follow too close and possibly give me the right of way... Thoughts would be appreciated!



Fred hides behind rock and watches to see the Lions circle the prey.. Kinda like watchin Marty Stouffers "Great Outdoors".
Come on could make it a little less obvious of what you are trying to do
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*hands aspestos underwear to Matt*

Prior topic that causes much pain and bleeding from the eyes

In an attempt to make this as painless as possible....and pressuming you do not have a legal right (eg: fireman, police, etc)

1. You don't have the right of way
2. Don't use your lights for right of way...could be illegal in the state you are chasing
3. You don't have the right of way
4. Decals don't give you right of way
5. You are a normal citizen on the road like everyone else. goto #1..loop until done.

Some will say you don't need lights..some will say you do/might/could. If you do want a lightbar..stick with amber and don't flash them while moving. Don't flash your halogens while moving either. Consider your lights like hazard lights. In your money..use your hazards.

Much like lights..some got them..some dont. Some hate them..some like them. Reference your motive for chasing to see if you need lights and decals (no flame intended to those with either/both) I can see valid reasons on both sides.

Im gonna feel like an idiot if this is a troll..but I'm just trying to stop the flamewar :)
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Im gonna feel like an idiot if this is a troll..but I'm just trying to stop the flamewar :)

I think i was just misunderstood on the right away comment. I was thinking more along the lines of people not stopping in front of me to gawk and be kind enough to let me go on by...i thought ST was the place to discuss things like this but maybe not!
Ii thought ST was the place to discuss things like this but maybe not!


Nothing wrong with discussing them... I just think that most want to make sure that you realize that you never have the right of way any more than anyone else on the road. Chasers don't have any special priviledges, and acting like we do makes the rest of us look bad. Now, I'm not saying acting like YOU do (as in Matt) -- I'm using "you" in general (i.e. some chaser). Many will question your motives if you appear to be on the road to attract attention (whether the thoughts of others matters to you is a personal deal).

Respect all laws, be courteous and respectful to everyone on the road, and you'll be just fine. :)
Im getting ready to get a different vehicle and i was thinking about installing a lightbar, but i dont know what is acceptable (SIZE, COLOR, DESIGN) and i was also going to put some of those halogen flsahers in my front and rear lights. My next question is whether or not i need to designate my vehicle with decals and such to distinguish that im a stormchaser, so that people wont follow too close and possibly give me the right of way... Thoughts would be appreciated!


It read to me "I want to have lightbars but I don't want people to give me the right away, so is there anything I can do to let people know im only a stormchaser and not an emergency vehicle". The keyword being "won't" and to awnser your question I don't think a decal will do much.
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matt your a stormchaser not a firefighter or anything your just like the rest of us normal people you should'nt use lights for people to get out of the way infact here in SD if your not the goverment its illegal to have those flashing emergency lights that are already in your car or truck are ok but dude i don'nt think you should have those but it don'nt matter what i think i am just saying.:)
I was thinking more along the lines of people not stopping in front of me to gawk and be kind enough to let me go on by.

There's nothing wrong with wanting people to stay clear of you, but unfortunately, everyone just behaves differently under the storm. That's never going to change. Adding gear to your vehicle to clear a path might help, but it won't always (just ask an ambulance driver). Treat slow movers for what they are: road hazards. It's nothing personal. A slow moving car might as well be a lost cow or a fallen tree. Keep your wit, slow down, be courteous to people, and hope they return the favor if the chance arises.
I have chased many years both with a marked vehicle and a 'normal' vehicle. I have never noticed a difference in other drivers' behavior as a result of being 'marked'. As has been pointed out on other lightbar threads, a vehicle with a lightbar and markings doesn't immediately register as an emergency vehicle, or even anything special or remarkable, to other drivers. Many other non-emergency vehicles have lightbars and markings (tow trucks, flag cars, construction/contractor pickup trucks, rural mail carriers, school buses, salt trucks, snowplows, city workers, parking enforcement, etc) and these vehicles are not perceived by the driving public to have the right-of-way upon sight. I don't think a chase vehicle is any different.
matt your a stormchaser not a firefighter or anything your just like the rest of us normal people you should'nt use lights for people to get out of the way infact here in SD if your not the goverment its illegal to have those flashing emergency lights that are already in your car or truck are ok but dude i don'nt think you should have those but it don'nt matter what i think i am just saying.:)

As for the thread, you can waste money on a lightbar, I thought about it once, but you realize that the only time you should use it is when you are stopped on a sideroad, etc. This is pretty much only to be used so other people can see you are there, like an extra set of hazards. To me, hazards work just fine now. As for flashing halogens, why would you need these? You cannot use them at all legally and there is no need for them. You just need normal headlights. For decals, well that is completely up to you; Some people have them to show that they are skywarn spotters or to show off their chase group, etc. Something that you can add if you want, but in most cases don't put to many on there. Then you can really attract attention you probably don't want, as that would tend to more people following you actually. ;)
I have a single, rotating amber light mounted in my back window. I use it very RARELY. I pretty much have it in there to supplement my rear hazards when I'm pulled over in an area with very little shoulder-area.
Be Stealth

I can think of no better way to draw attention to the fact that you have expensive equipment in your vehicle than to attach light bars. It just screams "break into me and you will find all sorts of equipment".
Stealth on the road is the only way for me.
And remember, even if you pull over, and have your lightbar on and gadgets and stickers flashing, that doesn't give you the right to block up traffic, impede it, etc. Do you think your insurance company will cover you if your vehicle gets wrecked sitting illegally on the side of the road?

There's a storm chaser here who just received two citations, courtesty of the local sheriff's office for impeding the flow of traffic and pedestrian in the roadway.

Much better idea to skip the lights, buy a nice camera, and find somewhere off the road to park. :) *
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